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"Alright, let's get this mission infiltration of the scumbag association on the road people!" Stiles exclaimed as he clapped in his hands as if encouraging everyone to get a move and Talia turned to the brunette, hitting his arm lightly with a scolding glare.

"Stiles!" she exclaimed before gesturing to a laughing Cora who was trying to hide her laughter behind her hands. Stiles looked at Cora and grinned at the girl, winking, which only increased her laughter. "You're unbelievable.." Talia sighed as she shook her head. "You do know she's talking like you now, don't you?"

"I know." Stiles chuckled and pride could be seen in his eyes. "I feel like a proud dad." he told her and Talia snorted which made Stiles smile again. 

Everyone was standing by the door, waiting to say their goodbye to Stiles as he was about to leave. 

As Peter was monitoring the movements around the house through the camera they had hidden in the woods, the wolf had noticed the hunters roaming around and had immediately informed his sister.

As according to plan, Stiles was to leave the house and create a 'coincidental' encounter with the hunters before making friends with them. 

Since the brunette was supposed to be a hunter too, it had been decided -much to the pack's disagreement- that Stiles would be staying at a hotel for the time being. They obviously couldn't risk the hunters spying on the Hale house and seeing Stiles there when he wasn't supposed to know them. 

Derek had complained a lot about that, Stiles reminding him that it had been Derek's idea to blend with the hunters to which the wolf had growled under his breath in annoyance. 

Following that conversation, Derek had made sure that Stiles knew he would be missed quite a lot by the wolf. And Stiles had been delighted.

But now, it was time to leave and none of them seemed ready to let go of the human just yet. They didn't want to stay away from him. Because they all knew there was this possibility that this would be the last time they'd see Stiles. 

It took a while but eventually, Stiles had to go. They couldn't risk missing their chance with the hunters and messing up the plan. So, with a heavy heart, the brunette kissed Derek one last time and went out the door, ignoring the sad eyes the children were all giving him as he walked away.

Stiles felt like he was abandoning them and he hated it.

He was going to come back.

He was sure of it.

So, there was no need to be sad. 

With that thought in mind, Stiles made his way through the woods, knowing perfectly well where he was supposed to go and soon, the brunette stumbled upon the group of hunters, talking amongst themselves.

Upon hearing Stiles’ purposely loud footsteps, the men all turned around with guns and crossbows pointed in his direction. Stiles remained calm and he only arched a brow in return. 

"I take it you guys are hunters too?" Stiles' voice broke the silence that had settled between all of them and he watched as they all shared a confused look. 

"You hunt?" the leader asked suspiciously and Stiles approached them, stopping next to the man who had just spoken, dropping his heavy duffel bag down on the ground.

"Isn't that much obvious?" Stiles asked, folding his arms over his chest and the leader looked at him through narrowed eyes. 

"I'm not sure I like your attitude."

"Nobody does." Stiles deadpanned and the man stared at Stiles silently some more. 

"That's a nasty scar you got there." the man pointed out and the brunette internally smirked as this man was talking according to plan without even knowing it. 

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