-_- Chapter 1 -_-

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There was a creaking sound, it was coming from the floorboards around where the living room is, well it is kind of hard to tell considering it's night time and the lights were off.

There it was again, only this time it was closer, it was coming from the hallway next to the stairs.

There is a woman, she is frightened out of her mind now, but suddenly, there was silence, "is it over? Was I just imagining it?" she thought as she searched for the light switch. Her hands were feeling the wall for the switch, just as she fingers brushed against it, she felt this dry, hot air breathing against the back of her neck.

Every instinct in her told her forget about the turning on the light and just run, but, sadly enough, she clicked the light switch, the light blinked on and she spun around as quickly as she could.

What she saw was the door, next to it was an opened window, with a sigh of relief, she calmed herself down, "must've been the wind from the window" she thought, she walked over and closed the window, she then turns around to get ready for bed.

To her surprise, there was a tall hairy figure wearing a pendant that was shaped as a wolf, teeth as sharp as razors and it's eyes were glowing green with a bright yellow rim staring down right at her.

Her mouth opened to let out a scream, but it was too late, what came out was the gargling sound of her choking on her own blood, before she knew what happened, the creature's sharp, black claws had already dug into her throat.

As it watched her fall to her knees, her consciousness fading, it appeared as though it was smiling.

As she laid on the floor, covered in a pool of her own blood, the creature casually walked to the door, as if it was a guest ready to leave a party, as it was walking, it was slowly changing.

The last thing she saw was a man, naked, shuffling through a duffel bag, pulling out a T-shirt and jeans and putting them on.

She then lost consciousness.

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