A Letter to Nimona

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My Dearest Nimona

   I write this letter even as I watch your harrowing form approach the village wall. I do not fear. This has always been what must happen. This kingdom and its people deserve to burn for what they did.

Did to us.

  Every night the face you made replays in my mind. Haunting me more than the death of my father. The death of my mother. And more than my own fate. The betrayal in your eyes will curse me for the rest of time. And a betrayal like that can only be made up for by a greater betrayal.
  I am the real monster. The greatest betrayal in history and I am it's architect. They will never know what I have done to them.
   With my last act I will save you my dear Nimona. I will build this kingdom not as a beacon of hope as a prison of fear. All its inhabitants will be my prisoners and I will make sure they never harm you again. I will lock them in these walls and keep them there with fear and lies. They will never step in your forest again. Stay there. Away from them. With all the animals of the wild as your friends. Hide in the darkness and be free.
  One day perhaps they will be able to accept you the way I did. For the beautiful person you are. But until then I will temper them. I will bare their heirs and train their heroes. But my heart of hearts will always belong to you.

   My sweet Nimona. Even as I stare down the dragon of the end of times. I will never forget the face I met that day by the well. The face that stole glances with me. That gazed into my soul with every stray look. I never told you how much I loved you and now I never will. Fate the cruelest mistress of all. I leave this letter to you in hopes that one day. These monsters that call themselves people will become a people who will pass on these words to you.

Never change who you are.

My heart.

My Soul.

My dear Nimona.

Never change.
     With love. Yours and yours only.

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