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I walked through the hallways in school, and all I could feel was everyone's eyes on my back as I passed. It had always been that way for me. I honestly could not remember a time when people didn't stare at the wonderful misfit that was me. Don't get me wrong, there was nothing wrong with me; I wasn't depressed or something like that. I just simply didn't fit in. Nobody at this school seemed willing to accept me. Well, almost nobody. I did have my two best friends, and the best boyfriend a girl like me could ask for. However, outside of those three people, nobody cared about me.

Which is why I decided to go through with the experiment.

I had gotten the idea for this experiment one day as I was listening to music. I was listening to "Demons" by Imagine Dragons, and the idea just sort of came to me, "What if one day I just... disappeared?" From there I dreamt up an elaborate plan. I had even planned what my new name would be: Adam Mahner. I planned how I would present my case for wanting to do this Social Experiment, as I had come to call it, to the administration and the school board. I knew from the start that the only way to pull this off successfully was to get them on board.

And so I presented my case. I debated back and forth with the members of the school board over various points in my plan, what the effects would be on my long term chances, how it would effect me emotionally and mentally. They were concerned about me, as they should be, seeing as I was one of the best students in the school academically. They didn't want to see me taking classes that were so far below my level, as I would have to if I was to disappear. I told them that this experiment was important to me and it would help us understand the nature of bullying. That's what convinced the end, that I should be aloud to do this Experiment. After the meeting, I began my preparation. I knew that the road ahead would be a hard one. Despite that, it never once crossed my mind to turn back.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2015 ⏰

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