MY 1ST GAME.......

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"LAURA, LAURA, LAURA, LAURA, LAUR--" I place my hands on my lovely and chatty older sister, Vanessa's mouth.

"Yesss Vanessa." I try my hardest not to sound too irritated and remove my hands from her mouth

"Geesh who stuck a shoe up your ass?" I guess I failed my mission. Ehhh you win some you lose some.

"Just...please tell me what you wanted." For some reason I feel as if i'm going to regret saying that statement. Weird?


"What? Old uncle Willis actually knows somebody who has VIP tickets?" Old uncle Willis is basically a hermit! There is no way this story is legit.

"Yeah! It turns out he used to be quiet the talker before he got stuck with that walker. (HA! That rhymed.) and him and the guy used to be good friends."

"Ness, I really don't want you to get too excited about this, because it is not fun to deal with you when you are disappointed."

I remember last month this really hot guy moved in next door, so Vanessa went over to talk to him. Yada-yada-yada. By the next week they were really good friends, so Ness asked him on like a 'date' date and he said no. Of course he just had to say No. But the fact that he said no was just the whipped cream under the cherry. Get this, he said no because he was well......curved, umm enjoyed 'lollipops' oh fuck it, he was GAY! To say I laughed is an understatement. But, believe me when I say Vanessa whined, and whined, and whined. Then after the whining she talked, and talked, and talked. All the ruckus really ended....... about a week ago.( LOL! I had to. If you sang that part you the true MVP.) But apparently that was the calm before the storm. Because Vanessa loves the BULLS and if she doesn't get these tickets she will FREAK.

"Oh don't worry Laur, I'm 98.999% sure about this."

"What about the other 1.001%?"

"Well...I don't know, it goes to charity or something, but I know we're going to get those tickets Laur." WOAH WAIT ONE SECOND!

"WE?!" I then gesture to the both of us with my hands

"Yes we as in the Marano sister's. Who else?" OH HELL NO! Not this Marano!

"NO! NO WAY! I HATE FOOTBALL NESS! Can you please give the ticket to some one else?" Please say yes, please say yes, please say.....

"No.." NOOOOOOOO "I want to go to see my favorite team with my favorite sister."

"I'm your only sister" I deadpan. If i'm gonna go to this game she better play her cards right.

"EXACTLY! And I love you" Oh no! She's playing the 'L' card! HA! Well 2 can play at that game.

"I love you too Ness, But-"

"If you love me than you'll go to this game with me! No questions asked." DAMN IT! She flipped the switch on me.

"But-okay I'll go.....IF the tickets come." And the mighty warrior has fallen! *coughs out blood dramatically* avenge meeeeeeee! *looks up at the raining sky* and scene.


"I'll get it Laur!" Good cause I'm already pissed and would probably chop off whoever is at the door's head.

'Why do I hate football so much?'


I loathe football because of the players. The sport its self is okay and I probably would enjoy it if the players weren't so god damn COCKY! I mean yea, most of them are pretty hot, gorgeous even, but that doesn't give them the right to act as if they have every girl wrapped around their muscular fingers. I'm not saying all foot ball players are like that, but most of them are. And last tim i checked there is not an 'I' in TEAM.

For example Ross Lynch is well-known for his skills on the field and his skills in the bedroom. When I say he is seen with a new girl every week I'm dead ass. Since me and Vanessa are well-known actresses we go to alot of red carpet events and charities, and I guess since Ross is some what famous he is almost at every single one with a different girl EACH time. I remember one time I went to 3 events in the same week and each time he was with and making out with a different girl. Like What The Fuck?! Apparently he's just as fast on the field as he is finding another Barbie to play with. The worst part is he doesn't mind telling the world about his 'activities' with said Barbies. I'm not gonna go into detail to what he told the interviewer when he asked 'How many girls have you had sex with this week? And which was your favorite?' but what I am going to say is it was a long list and he went into detail....A LOT! Who does that type of shit. The bigger question is Why do girls keep thinking they can be 'The One' or 'Can Change Him'? Honey, you can't make shit smell like roses so GIVE UP! Yea he's pretty hot but is your own humiliation worth it? I know mine isn't.

But back to the point. Ross isn't the only one like that. To be honest..he isn't even the worst case scenario, so I have vowed to never go to a football game. But apparently I cheated and if Ness gets those tickets I'm screwed.

"OMG! LAURA! The tickets just came! I can't wait! In 3 days we'll be in th VIP section watching the BULLS! EEEK! I'm about to call dad and rub it in his face. MWAHAHA!" KILL ME NOW!

Well, there's no getting out of it now. I'm doing the one thing that I vowed on my imaginary friend's ,I had when I was 8, grave. I'm sorry Miss Tuffet, I know I promised, but I'm going to My 1st game......... yuppey......{note the sarcasm}.

I've stayed true to the promise for 12 years. And the simple art of the switcheroo destroyed that. The work of Vanessa Marano people. (If you didn't catch it Laura is 20)

------------------------------------------------------so how did ya like it? I'm going to continue it. I got the idea when I was thinking how cute Laura would look with short-shorts on and Ross's jersey. So here ya go.


{RAURA} I'm (not really) a FangirlWhere stories live. Discover now