Ella looks after a sick charlie

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Ella's pov
Todays a day of sixth form as it's teacher training day, I'm supposed to be meeting Charlie, I get a text from Tom saying, Charlie's sick, I don't want to leave him alone", I reply " I'll be there in a few minuets", I tell dad where I'm going he nods and says " it's best if you stay over", I quickly pack a bag and run to the osbournes. Tom answers the door and says " thanks for coming, I'll be back after work, peri Sid she'll check on him during her break". I nod and go upstairs, he looks reallly bad, I say " aw babe, you look so bad, I'm looking after you today no arguments, if you need anything I'll be here, I'm not leaving you". He says " thanks babe, I'm sorry I ruined or date", I  say " hey that's enough, you haven't ruined anything we can have our dat another day, what matters is getting you better, now pick a film to watch". He says " why've you got a bag?", I say " I'm staying over tonight, even if it's on the floor now get some sleep I won't leave you and when you wake up we can watch a series on Netflix ".

Charlie's pov
I wake up after a couple of hours sleep, felling much better, I can hear footsteps, outside my room, I see Ella and peri come in. I really appreciate Ella doing this for me, she must really love me. Peri checks my temperature and says " it's returning to normal, I think some is starting to fell better thanks to his girlfriend", Ella blushes but tries to hide it. Peri leaves and I say "why did you hide your blush, it's adorable", she says " I've done nothing to make you fell beter, I'm a rubbish girlfriend ". I say " now that is rubish, ells you are not a rubish girlfriend at all, you've made me fell better just by being here today instead of having fun".  She makes me some soup, crackers, a glas of water and honey and Lemon.  I look at her and say " please stay in here tonight, we don't have to touch, it would just make me feel better if had you in my bed".she smiles and says " anything to make my Charlie fell better and I could of had fun today but I would have been a rubish girlfriend leaving you on your own". I look at her and say " you wouldn't have been rubish, I thought I new better, I told Tom I'll be fine but having you here has helped massively ".

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