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IT HAD BEEN A WHILE since Iris and Suho had a chance to properly hang out as during the last couple of days, Suho missed their morning walks to school together. There was always something going on with him - sometimes he missed his alarm clock and slept in, or he had to leave earlier than usual because he either had a meeting with a teacher or a doctors appointment to get to. Even during school, he always seemed to be occupied with something.

Now, it wasn't like Iris and Suho hung out at school all the time. Usually Iris was with her group of friends and Suho was on his own. Occasionally, the two hung out during lunch or did something together after school. But lately, he always missed those little moments they had to hangout as well, and sometimes Iris had a suspicious feeling that it was because he was with Jugyeong as she had seen the two together a couple times herself, whether that be them having a picnic on the schools roof together, or walking around the schools gardens together.

Iris was already somewhat insecure by seeing the two constantly interacting, and she was starting to question her and Suhos relationship as it seemed that it was starting to fall apart. So, when Suho called her up out of the blue on a random Tuesday evening, asking if she wanted to meet him and at the comic book shop that they usually met up on, she agreed right away in hopes of that growing insecurity vanishing away.

Of course, she should've known better than to be as hopeful as she had been before she left the house all giddy and excited because with Suho, things were never so easy.

"I can't believe they finally got the new copy." Iris gushed as she started at the comic book she had been wanting to read for months. Suho however said nothing and silently stared at the space ahead of him, seemingly deep in thought.

He had been that way since she had arrived, all quiet and distance, trapped in his little thoughts. Iris had tried starting a conversation a couple times, but each time she did, Suho either didn't respond at all or he just gave her a dry answer.

"The illustrations look amazing too." Iris commented, hoping to actually start a conversation. But once again, Suho didn't respond or even acknowledge her words, which caused her to grow impatient.

Iris set her book down, and stared at Suho with a concerned look, "Suho, are you alright?" she asked, and that seemed to snap Suho out of whatever thoughts he'd been consumed in a while back.

Suho was silent for a couple of seconds, before he finally spoke up, "What's going on between you and Han Seojun?" he asked directly.

Iris was taken aback by how blunt he was, but quickly recovered after a second, "Nothing." she muttered, wondering where the question had come from suddenly.

Suho scoffed at the answer, "It's not nothing. There's something there."

Iris shook her head, "No there isn't."

But that didn't seem to convince Suho, "Why Seojun of all people?" he began as he stared at his oldest friend with narrowed eyes, "You could choose to be around anyone, and you decide for it to be my ex friend?"

For some reason, Iris felt herself begin to grow defensive at his accusations. It's not like she had been doing something wrong by being around the Han boy more than she had intended to, so why was Suho making her feel so shitty for it?

"I'm not the one choosing to be around him. It's the other way around, and besides, where is this even coming from?" she asked.

Suho shrugged at her question, "Nowhere. I just don't like it when people I consider close, deliberately lie to me."

Iris didn't know why, but that sentence on its own seemed to have done it for her. It could've been because of the fact that he was calling her a liar when she had been nothing but honest throughout their whole friendship, or because of the pent up anger she had over the past couple of days. But either way, all she could see in that moment was red.

"I could say the same thing about your new found friendship with Jugyeong." she retaliated.

Suho who was visibly shocked, did not expect that to come out of the brunettes mouth, "What?"

Iris shook her head at his cluelessness, "Do you think I'm an idiot and I don't know the fact that you've been blowing me off these past few days to hangout with her?" she muttered with venom practically spitting out, "Or that every time you claim to be too busy to hangout or do things, it's because you're hanging out and doing those things with her?"

Suho didn't say anything, and instead looked away, unable to meet Iris' eyes. This only caused her to grow desperate in receiving some sort of answer, "Suho I don't understand, do you not value our friendship anymore?" she asked.

When he didn't say anything she sighed, "Is it my fault? Have I done something to upset you?" she asked as she stared at the boy for some response, for anything but utter silence. "Talk to me, please."

Iris didn't know how long the two sat in silence, but when Suho did finally speak up again, she wished he hadn't said anything at all, "You're getting yourself too worked up for nothing. It's not like we're in a relationship or something."

As Iris heard the words come out of the mouth of the one boy she had spent her whole life loving, she felt like she had been stabbed right in the heart because all she could feel in that moment was pain.

Tears began to form in Iris' eyes as she stood up, now turning away from the Lee boy, refusing to let him see her cry or see the effect he had on her.

He was right, there was nothing between her and Suho, there never had been anything in the first place.

"You're right. I am worrying to much about something that you clear don't care about anymore." she muttered as she grabbed her purse from the couch, "This was a waste of my time." she muttered and just as she headed towards the door of the place, she heard the Lee boy scoff.

"Of course. Run off to get comforted by Seojun like you always do."

Iris shook her head at the words, now any tiny hope or feelings she had for the boy inside of her shattering just like that. This wasn't the Suho she fell in love with, and she was sure, it wasn't one she could continue to love anymore.

With a heavy heart, Iris quickly exited the place, not looking back even once and walked wherever her legs could take her. She had to leave, get away from that place, get away from Suho as much as she could. She couldn't stand being around him anymore, not after what he had just done.

When Iris had managed to get as far away as she could from the comic book area, her legs finally gave out to her, and she felt herself collapsing onto some outdoor table in a diner, now letting out all the emotions she had tried so desperately hard to hold back.

It was over. Everything between her and Suho really was over. But why did it hurt so much? And would it ever truly get better?

( note: any spelling errors or mistakes indicate this chapter has not been edited yet. )

TAGS: sheeeeesh0224callmedjango   EmilyKay237hollxe1MafiaWithJennie


A/N: Saurr this chapter was supposed to be longer and it was supposed to include a scene of an overprotective Seojun, but you know what, it may be featured in the next chapter instead, sooo I hope you guys enjoyed.

Also guys this is just the beginning of Suho and Iris' downfall. Trust me, there's so much more to come hehe. Suhris shippers, ya'll are in for a ride, Seoris shippers, ya'll are gonna be happy with the upcoming content I have planned for ya'll :)

Also be honest guys, would you like to read a chapter from Suhos perspective possibly? Maybe that will help redeem our pookie from the mess he's caused. 

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