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"No way he said that. What an asshole!"

NAELEA AND IRIS WERE SITUATED side by side as they sat in their homeroom class during their break. Whilst Sua, Soojin and Jugyeong had went off on a quick run to the cafeteria, Naelea decided to hang back with Iris as she had been acting slightly odd throughout the morning, which mostly involved her ignoring the Lee boys presence at an opportunity she could.

She didn't walk with him in the morning like she usually did, and she barely spared him a glance when she walked towards her seat. Despite the boys lingering stares, she didn't even glance back at him once and simply avoided him. 

So when she asked the brunette what was going on, she had filled her in on everything that had happened to them the day before, and how she had decided she didn't want to associate herself with the boy anymore, given that he didn't even respect their friendship. It was safe to say that Naelea was furious with the stuff she had heard the boy said.

"Keep it down." Iris ushered as she glanced around to make sure nobody was eavesdropping on their conversation or anything, "And yeah, I know." she muttered.

"So now what?" Naelea asked.

This caused Iris to look up at her in confusion, "What do you mean?"

Naelea gave her a knowing look, "You're giving him the silent treatment, right?" she asked, "You can't be all buddy-buddy with him after what he did."

To the ravens relief, Iris nodded. There was no way she could talk to Suho after the argument they had. Though a part of her missed him and even felt bad for continuously blowing him off and ignoring him, another part of her thought that was the only reasonable decision for the issues they were dealing with.

Iris sighed as she slumped on her seat, "I just can't wait for the day to be over. Hopefully karaoke will get my mind off things." she stated, surprisingly somewhat excited for the upcoming plans.

At the mention of karaoke though, Naelea seemed to have suddenly realized something that couldn't have been good because with widened eyes, she abruptly smacked her forehead. "Shit."

Iris was alarmed by the sudden action, "What is it?" 

Naelea turned to the brunette with a guilty look, "I forgot to tell you something Iris." she muttered as she shook her head in disappointment at what she was about to say, "We invited Suho to Karoke."

At her statement, Iris let out a gasp, "What?"

Naelea closed her eyes in shame, "It was Taehoons idea! And it was before you told me what happened." she defended,  "If I knew earlier, I would've stopped that moron from opening his mouth! I swear-"

Iris sighed at the information, "Naelea." she whined.

Naelea rested her palm on Iris shoulder in hopes of comforting her in some way, "I'm sorry. Just ignore him like you have been all day." she suggested, "It'll be a big group so it'll be easier!."


Iris should've known better than to take Naeleas word and believe that it would be easy to avoid Suho during the whole karaoke trip because it in fact wasn't. No matter how hard she tried, she somehow was also around Suho. Whether that be in the different teams her friends had decided to split everyone in, or even the couches they were sitting on, she was always somehow right next to Suho.

It didn't help that none of her friends, but Naelea, were aware of the situation and the fact that she was trying to avoid Suho. They were clueless, so they didn't exactly recognize her distressed looks or clear cry of help.

Eventually though, Iris was able to somehow slip away when they were deciding on which song to sing next through the excuse of buying something from the snack bar, and catch a break. She was getting sick of Suhos lingering eyes, and the fact that he couldn't take the clear hints she was throwing at him.

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