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Layla wondered what happened. What did happen? Her and Tony were racing when...

Layla wasn't paying attention. When she saw she was heading straight for a wall, it was too late. And then Tony sped right into her impact point. 

"Stupid Toretto."

Layla whispered as she listened to the heart monitor in Tony's room. Her injuries were relatively fine other than a few broken bones. Tony on the other hand, wasn't so lucky. 

When the paramedics arrived, Tony was pinned in the car unconscious. He had hit his head hard against the window of his door and was pinned underneath the wheel.

After Layla was examined, she was allowed to visit Tony. Now, she was sitting next to Tony in a hospital room. The doctors didn't know when he was going to wake up, but they said it was only going to be a matter of time. 

Tony didn't move. The only noise in the room was Tony's slow breathing and the heart monitor. The doctors put an IV in Tony's arm in case of emergencies, like he seized or something.

Layla slid her hand into Tony's and leaned in towards his ear.

"Wake up you idiot."

Tony didn't respond. He laid still on the bed, his head slightly tilted towards Layla. She hated that he was like the way he was. Always saving her. Always protecting her. Why was he like that? 

"Why did you save me, Toretto? Why? I've done so many horrible things to you and yet... you protect me."

Tony didn't respond again. Layla looked at his face reluctantly before lifting her hand and running along the farther side of his cheek. She kept note about the details on his face, thought she really didn't know why. 

After a few moments, their friends burst into the room, panicking.

"Layla, are you alright?"

Cisco yelled, running into the room and sliding to a stop. The others soon walked into the room, concerned looks on their faces when they saw Tony in the bed.

"Do you, uh, remember how this happened?"

Echo choked. Layla guessed she didn't want to believe that Tony got into a wreak. Technically he didn't, Layla did, and she felt awful about it.

"I... It was my fault."

Layla couldn't bear to say how she got Tony in this situation. The crew exchanged looks with one another before attempting to comfort Layla one by one.

"Tony doesn't let a wreak take him down, Layla. He'll wake up."

Cisco said before leaving the room. Next was Frostee's cheerful words.

"You know, Tony had a saying that if you walked away from a wreak, then it wasn't a wreak, but a minor setback."

Frostee helped Layla feel somewhat better. But then again, people walked away from wreaks with severe injuries. Frostee followed after Cisco and the only one left now was Echo.

"I'm not sure how T would feel if he knew you were worrying about him."

"He probably feel happy that I stayed by his side."

Echo walked up next to Layla and leaned against the wall behind Layla. 

"I'm not so sure about that. Tony has never been the one to want his friends worry about him. He always thought that he needed to put us first, so that we would never get hurt. He doesn't want us to worry about him even though we do."

Layla knew that Echo had truth to her words, but she still wasn't going to leave Tony's side. Not until he woke up. Echo sighed and started for the door.

"If T wakes up, text me."


Echo then left without saying another word to Layla. The only sound in the room now was the heart monitor. Layla looked back at Tony, wondering when he was going to wake up from what seemed like an endless sleep.

Layla sighed to herself as she got up from the chair and went to the hallway to find herself some snacks.


It was the next day since Tony and Layla's wreak. Tony still hasn't woken up yet, leaving Layla in a state of mild panic. Layla was sitting in her apartment, staring at a photo of her and Tony before she decided to go sit by his side again.

On the way to the hospital, Layla started wondering why she was going to this much trouble of being with Tony. It wasn't just that she felt like she had some obligation to be with him. She was in a constant worry that he wasn't going to wake up. But why?

Layla was on her way to Tony's room when she was stopped by a doctor.

"You're Miss Gray, correct?"

"Yes sir, did something happen to Tony?"

"He... seized around 5:00 this morning. We're running tests, but I think he should have someone with him until we figure out what's wrong."

Layla was biting the inside of cheek to keep herself from crying in public as she smiled sadly at the doctor.

"Of course."

The doctor went to a nurse and handed her a clipboard. Layla walked to Tony's room and took in a deep breath before she opened the door. She felt tears go down her cheeks when she saw Tony how pale Tony was.

Layla sighed as she sat down in the chair in the far corner of the room. She debated on moving the chair closer to Tony. Making her decision, she got back up and moved the chair closer to Tony's bed. 

Glancing down at his hand, Layla slipped her fingers through his and held his hand, waiting for something, anything, to happen.


Time passed and it was almost the evening. Doctors came flying in and out, saying that they figured out what cause the seizure and were giving him the proper drugs for it. 

Layla was getting ready to leave when she felt a twitch in her hand. She turned and heard a small groan escape Tony's lips. Layla put both her hands on his one and prayed that he was going to wake up.

Her prayers were answered. Tony's eyes twitched before he finally opened them a tiny bit. Layla could barely contain herself as cried his name.


She bent down and hugged him, crying next to his neck.

"I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. I never thought this would happen."

Layla felt Tony's hand gently stroke Layla back. She hugged him tightly, letting the tears soak into the sheets.

"It wasn't your fault, Layla. I shouldn't have been messing with you."

"No, no, no. I should have been paying attention. And then you saved me again, you dumbass."

"I'm fine, aren't I? So, stop crying. I'll be out of here in no time and we can race each other again."

Layla lightly laughed as she lifted her head and looked Tony in the eyes.

"You really are an idiot."

Without warning, Layla put her hands on the sides of Tony's face and kissed him on his lips. He kissed back, but the kiss quickly ended when they heard someone walk in.

"Is everything alright in here?"

A nurse walked around the corner and smiled when she saw that Tony was awake and Layla wiping tear streaks off her face.

"I'll go get a doctor."

The nurse said sweetly as she left. When Layla looked back at Tony, he grabbed the back of her head, slightly sitting up as he slammed her lips against his. Layla ran her hands through his hair as she lowered the kiss so he was laying down again.

The kiss soon slowed and turned into passionate. Her question was now answered. She cared so much because she was in love with him. And he protected her because he was in love with her.

(Possible part 2, I'm not sure yet)

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