015 ˢᵘᵍᵃʳʰⁱˡˡᵈᵈᵒᵗ

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SUNDAY, June29
3:12pm, 2023

IT HAS BEEN TWO days since me and Ddot's date and i've been trying to avoid him since. I mean the whole video with Noti kind of messed up the fact that I was trying to ignore him but that's besides the point.

Anyways it honestly wasn't because the date was bad it was actually really good. But when he drove me home something just hit me.

I fucking like Ddot.

I don't know how I didn't know it sooner, but now that I do I have no Idea what to do about it. I mean we haven't even known each other that long and i've managed to catch feelings.

I also have been a bit distant from Notti, I don't know why I just can't get attached. I'm already halfway attached with Notti and I really need to slow that shit down. Because when I get attached you won't see the end of me until I want you to.

Yes I have attachment issues.

And I really like Notti as a friend so if I get attached he will look at me differently and I really don't want to lose him as a friend.

And with Ddot I also don't want him to look at me all clingy and fan girly. Because clingy? Yes, but fan girly? Never.

Maybe I don't like him, maybe this is something that i'm so worried about for no reason. Yes, I do not like him..right?

Before, I have anymore time to overthink the situation I hear someone knock on my door. I roll my eyes opening the door, "Dudey what do you" I open the door mid sentence only for it not to be my brother but in fact Ddot.

Worse timing ever

"Oh hey Darrian"I say letting him into my room, even though I really just wanted this to be a 'Hi' 'Bye' type situation.

"Why are you ignoring me?"He sits down on my bed clearly mad, "Me ignoring you? What that's crazy"I sit next to him smiling.

But I could tell he wasn't buying a word I was saying, "Stop fucking playing dumb worda bro"He scoots away from me.

Well that didn't work

But to be honest i'm saving him, he's not going to want to know the truth. Because he clearly doesn't like me like that, "I'm being for real i'm not ignoring you"


"Say word to your deads you not ignoring me"Why does he seriously have to make this harder then it already is. I mean i'm trying to save him right now, because a relationship with my crazy ass is not what he would want.

"I'm not saying that"I look away from him knowing he was going to start getting mad at my lying, "Wow so you are lying"He gets up raising his voice slightly.

"Ddot it isn't even that serious your being dramatic"I huffed already tired of this argument, but like to be fair he is doing a bit to much. Like yes I get i'm lying but is it really that serious.

"I'm being fucking dramatic, you know what fuck you. Ion even fuck with your bitch ass anymore because you can't even tell the fucking truth"He is now completely yelling.

You know before I wasn't even mad because I knew this was my fault for not just telling him the real reason I was ignoring him. But now that he's yelling in my face i'm glad I lied.

"Who the fuck do you think your talking to like that"I stand up getting in his face, even though he was much taller then me.

"I'm talking to you, you fucking bitch"He looks down at me and just rolls his eyes. You know even though i'm confused how it got to this point, that doesn't mean that i'm not going to retaliate.

"Don't you ever in yo fucking life call me a bitch"I push him away from me, "Or fucking what"He comes back close to me.

"You know this is stupid, you not even worth my energy or my time. Get the hell out my room"I point to my door causing the tension that was already very thick to get even thicker.

"Make me"He smiles but it wasn't a 'Oh this is funny' or 'I'm joking' smile it was a 'I'm pissed as fuck' smile.

"Really nigga"I say clearly taken aback, because who even uses the term 'Make me'.

"Ddot get out"I close my eyes and huff because this was all fucking stupid. But despite me asking the mature way he still didn't budge.

"Ddot I said fucking leave or I swear to god i'm telling my brother to kick your fucking ass"I raise my voice even though it low key hurts to argue with him about something I started.

"You know what. You ain't shit, nothing but a fucking liar bro I swear"He waves me off leaving the room.

Fuck, did that really just happen. All because I didn't want to tell him that I fucking like him, "Shit"I curse out loud as I hit the door.

I then quickly open my phone to call Notti before Ddot gets the chance to tell him his side, "Come on, Come on answer"I tap my leg against my bed.

After 3 more rings he finally answers, "The fuck you want"He says angrily through the phone.

Damnit Ddot already told him

"Notti I swear it's not what it sounds like can you let me explain my side before you blow up on me"I plead really hoping I don't lose two good friends of mine.

"If you don't like my explanation then by all means don't fuck with me anymore, but at least let me explain."I say again after I hear it goes silent.

"Fine go on"He finally says after a good 3 minutes of being completely silent, "First can you move away from dd and ddot because I know they are right there listening"I add hoping he wouldn't take it the wrong way.

I then hear shifting and a door being closed, "Ok they gone now explain"I could basically hear him rolling his eyes.

"Ok im going to keep this as short as possible. Notti I have really bad attachment issues, like real bad. And when me and Ddot went out on that date I realized I had feelings for him. And that scared me because we don't even know each other like that.

And when I have feelings for someone I become really annoying and very clingy. I didn't want him to look at me weirdly so I decided the best way to get rid of the feelings were to not be around him. So I ignored him and when he came over today I didn't want to tell him. And I still don't so please don't even tell him this. Let him hate me, it's for the best he doesn't want all my problems"I finished taking deep breath.

"Well shit"


Ok guys so I know the argument was dumb and unneeded but trust me it plays a big part in their relationship.

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