Untitled Part 1

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It was one of those cold winter mornings, 7:00 a.m. It was still dark outside and it had snowed during the night. The temperatures were low enough that the snow remained and didn't melt. 

Today was Saturday, so neither Chen Yuzhi nor Keying nor Jiang Yuelou were forced to get up just yet. 

Chen Yuzhi was used to getting out of bed early every morning. His internal clock did not care what day of the week it was. Therefore, he had been lying awake in bed for a while now. He had turned on the small lamp on his nightstand, but turned it away so that it illuminated the room with only a dim light.

As he often did, he watched Jiang Yuelou lying in bed to his right while he was still asleep. Carefully, he brushed a strand of hair from his forehead. 

He was so incredibly adorable. What Chen Yuzhi especially loved about him when he was still asleep was that he sometimes looked like he was smiling a little, like he was right now. Chen Yuzhi felt that this happened quite often when he touched him lightly. 

The idea that Jiang Yuelou was smiling in his sleep because he subconsciously sensed his closeness pleased Chen Yuzhi. He would have loved to shower him with endless kisses now, but then he would probably have woken him up and Chen Yuzhi wanted to avoid that.

Yuelou, if you knew what you've done to my heart, Chen Yuzhi thought. 

Even though they had been together for more than two years and had lived together for more than a year and a half, he was still often overwhelmed by his feelings for Jiang Yuelou. 

At those moments, Chen Yuzhi could only sit or stand or lie there quietly, depending on where he was, and look at Jiang Yuelou, perhaps touching and caressing him lightly.

Chen Yuzhi thought that he would probably always look like a complete idiot then, with that smile on his face, but he didn't care. Jiang Yuelou was the best thing that had happened to him in his life, that was a certainty for Chen Yuzhi. 

Most people, Jiang Yuelou included, would probably have called him crazy if they had known both of their backgrounds, calling Jiang Yuelou anything but the best thing that could have happened to him.

To Chen Yuzhi, it didn't matter. He was aware that Jiang Yuelou had made missteps, big ones at that. However, Chen Yuzhi also knew that Jiang Yuelou had had his reasons, even though he had often behaved very recklessly back then, in the first few weeks after they first met as adults.

However, Chen Yuzhi had noticed even then that Jiang Yuelou began to behave differently toward him after only a short time. More considerate and attentive than towards other people. He had liked it very much from the beginning that Jiang Yuelou treated him differently, paid more attention to him than to anyone else, actually. 

He had only seen the same thing with Keying. When it came to her, Jiang Yuelou immediately showed his soft and caring side.

Back then, more than two years ago, when Chen Yuzhi had been in a coma for several days after Zhan Junbai had shot him, Jiang Yuelou had taken care of her without thinking about it, had been taking her in to live with him for these days.

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