1. Explanations

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"Ugh ... my head hurts ... and where am I ?!" Dan though while waking up.

"Whe ... oh my arms and legs ... why can't I move them?! Am I paralyzed?!" Dan was scared while trying to move every muscle he had. While struggling on moving on his legs and arms , in a way he gave up.

"I can't remember anything ... how did I get here ... where am I ... and most importantly ... my name ... how did they call me ... D .... Da ... Daniel ... Denison ...Dan ... Denis ... Darren ... nope ... I don't think any of these is my name , but I still can't remember it" 

Suddenly a person with long blue hair and really tall came close to him. His eyes were red , as for his arms , it looked like they were burning , but the Dan wasn't sure if it was his colorblindness or something else.

"Do you remember your name fellow hunter ?" The guy asked Dan.
Dan was a little bit scared because he couldn't move "Who are you ?! And no , I don't remember my name ... at least not all of it" Dan was carefully watching the guy in the eyes.

"Don't question me. I am the one here to make questions , and you answer. Well to be honest , u seem like a cool guy. Can you move ?" The guy asked Dan.

Dan changed his face temper into a suspicious and serious one. "No I can't move , and don't you dare try fighting me in this situation"

The guy saw Dan in a strange way "Fight you ?! I'm here to help you lost spirit"

Dan was confused "Lost spirit ?! I am a human just like you " Dan couldn't see the guy's flames on the arms.

The guy started laughing. "You don't know anything do you ?! Haha. Let me explain you the situation"

"What situation ?!" Dan shouted.

"My name is Jeff and I've been dead since 1993 , because of a gang fight I had ..." The guy was interrupted.

"How can you ... am I talking to ... are u fucking with me ?! You can't be dead !!!" Dan was scared of losing his mind.

"Yes I am dead ... as dead as you my friend ... maybe is hard for you to believe but you are dead. Your memories will come in about next 30 hours. Then you will remember the type of death you had , your name etcetera, etcetera. Now for now u should try to move your muscles. Those aren't supposed to be used in this world. This is HEAVEN as you in earth call it , as i used to call it ... well ... not exactly how you describe it ... i mean we ... here is just like there at you ... we have money , climate ... yes we can have sex , girls can get pregnant , they can born childrens if you ask ... but they can be only spirits. It's hard and rare finding them a body , but it is possible. Oh ... and our world is infinite ... so don't get lost please. Yeah ... this is probably all I gotta say about this world ... do you have any question ?"

Dan had some visions while the guy was talking. He saw some moments of the accident ... then the hospital. Dan believed every word he said after then. "Why are you here? Are you going to help me? Is there any chance of me getting back alive? Do you know me alive? Maybe we've met."

Jeff took a breath and after that he answered "I am here to learn you this world rules. There is no way of getting out as I'm concerned and aye , I will help you my friend. And no , we haven't met ... where you from ?"

"New Jersey" Dan answered.

"I am from Canada haha ... and I've never been out of it " Jeff was smiling.

"Fine" Dan sighted.

"Try moving your arms and legs , Lost Spirit" Jeff said while moving the position he was sit.

"Why do you call me lost spirit ?!" Dan asked.

"Because you are a lost spirit , Duuh !" Jeff answered.

"What's a lost spirit ?" Dan asked again.

"Why is everyone so stupid when they come here !!!" Jeff though with himself.

"You are a spirit who is lost in his memories and you don't know what to do , and they sometimes have some abilities ... by the way are you homosexual ?"

"What the fuck ... no I'm not ... I like girls." Dan was irritated. "Are you gay ?!"

"Hell no ... I asked that because I hate gays ... I wouldn't help you if you were one of them. I thought that beacuase of your hair." Jeff answered. "Now get up"

"You'r hair look like shit you dirt punk ass coming fom the 80' !!!"Dan said "And I can't, my muscles are not that strong . Remember ?! "

"Then try to !!! We need to go ... at least I need to go ... I have a date with someone" Jeff said "I can't leave you alone here in the spawn point"

"I will be fine ... how can we talk ... cellphones maybe" Dan said.

"Here use this" Jeff gave to dan a little strange thing made of wood "it's called Crum ... it works like a personal radio"

"Thanks man ... appreciate it. Now go don't make her wait" Dan said ... but Jeff was already gone.

"What am I gonna do now!" Dan though with himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2015 ⏰

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