𝟏. We're going to nationals!

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Scarlett pants as she's running around the soccer ball that right now, Allie has.

"Allie Allie!!"

She's not doing a great job at keeping the ball, Taissa takes it and kicks it toward the goal while the other team tried to take it.

"Tai, over here! Tai! Inside!" Shauna yells out and Taissa kicks it to her.

Shauna kicks it back to Taissa and Taissa kicks it more and more toward the goal.

"Tai!" Jackie yells out while they all run toward the goal and Taissa kicks it harshly.

It goes in the goal!

"Yes!!" Scarlett pants as she runs over to everyone who hugs and cheers.

They all hug and start to jump up and down in excitement.

"Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!" They all chant as they cheer and squeal.

"We're going to nationals!"


Scarlett sighs as she waits outside of Vans house, she pulls her lip gloss out of her small makeup bag and puts on some while looking in a small mirror.

She puts it back in her bag and honks her car horn. What is taking her so long?

Van finally comes outside and jogs to the car, opening the door and getting inside.

"Sorry!" She pants and tossed her bag in the back.

"We're gonna be late!" Scarlett starts the car and drives off.

"We're not gonna be late, babe." Van says as she puts on her seatbelt.

"I told you not to call me that, Van!" Scarlett groans which earns a chuckle from Van.

"Whatever you say." She shrugs as she leans back on the seat.

"What is this music though?" She reaches for the tape but Scarlett swats her hand away.

"This is my car, Van, my music so deal with it!" She says and Van just rolls her eyes.

"Besides, were almost there." Scarlett says while looking at the road.

Van looks over, staring at the blonde girl.

Scarlett licks her lips with a sigh "You know its rude to stare?" She says without looking at her.

Van gets quiet and looks away, blushing.

They arrive at school and they both get out of the car Van looks over at Scarlett again while she flattens her skirt.

"Thanks for the ride, Scar" Van giggles when Scarlett wraps an arm around her neck and walks toward the school.


Scarlett exhales sharply as she makes it to her front porch after a long run.

She pants as she takes a drink of her water bottle, when she noticed another car in her drive way.

"Long run?" She hears a voice from behind her, she gasp and turned around.

"Uh? Can I help you?" Scarlett says to the random lady on her porch.

"I'm Jessica Roberts, I left you a couple of voicemails and I.." She says and Scarlett rolls her eyes.

"Not interested, sorry!" She starts to unlock her door "Wait, Scarlett."

"I don't talk about my past, I've moved on."

"Five minutes is all I ask. If you don't like what I have to say I will leave you alone." She says while Scarlett opens the door.

"No thank you, get off my property." She slams the door in her face.

She locks it and felt a sigh of relief, she truly could not and will not talk about her past.

𝐘𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐣𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐭𝐬 | Vanessa PalmerWhere stories live. Discover now