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He is falling, thrown into the burial mounds without a place to hold on. He is going to die; he still has so much to live for. He has to help his sect. Find his mother, get her out of her situation. He can't die yet... He can't... That's when the fall is stopped, by sturdy hands, a man is holding him as resentment from the grounds entering Wei Wuxian's body. He falls unconscious soon after in a stranger's arms.


                                                                                  17 years before 

"Have you heard, one of the emperor's wives escaped the palace"

"Is that true?!"

"I also heard she was pregnant"

"His majesty must be mad, none of the wife's have had any children yet"

"If she's found she will be in big trouble"

"I hope she survives poor soul"

The Huan Hua palace is in complete chaos, the emperor is angry, like really angry. The mysterious woman, hidden in her own silent quarters, has disappeared without a trace. Most of the wives were jealous of the woman, she was visited frequently by the emperor, after all. But none of them, except for the main three Ning Yingying, Sha Hualing and Liu Mingyan knew her identity and the real reason she was visited so often.

She wasn't a prized lover, she was a prisoner trapped in the walls for mistakes that she already paid for, many times before. The emperor was so obsessed with her that he'd wanted his heir, his first child, to come from her, even after all the torture and suffering he inflicted on her body and soul. She was terrified when she discovered her pregnancy, she was terrified, not for herself but for the child. She didn't want another innocent child to be ravaged by this world.

So, she runs, after a well, studied and careful, plan she exits the palace with no one noticing her disappearance until the morning after. The emperor enters the room like always with his smile, waiting to meet his shizun just to find the place empty, the normally almost catatonic woman, nowhere to be a found. He panics immediately getting out of the room and getting the palace in chaos from his anger. Search parties are sent, none finding her.


Changse Sanren was walking calmly though the empty road, her husband waiting at home as she returned from a mission. The day was cloudy and dark, the sun already set, the light of her lantern guiding her. That's when she finds her, at the foot of the mountain, a beautiful pale woman is unconscious on the ground. Dressed in red and black robes, elegant looking, but her body looked mangled, scars over her arms and legs. But the thing that affected Sanren the most was that the skinny, clearly malnourished woman, was pregnant.

Picking her up quickly, the rogue cultivator runs to her home, hoping to help the unconscious woman. Wei Changze is surprised when she arrives at the house with a woman on her back, but he rushes to help her put the unconscious person on a mattress. They heal her visible wounds, not undressing her and wait. Hours later she opens her beautiful green eyes and looks around terrified. She sees Sanren first, visibly relaxing before tensing again at the sight of Changze.

"You've woken up" Sanren says with a smile "I found you stranded at the base of the mountain."

"Where... Where am I?" the beautiful woman asks "Who are you?"

"You're in our home" Sanren responds "Not far from Yiling. I'm Changse Sanren and this is my husband Wei Changze, were both rogue cultivators"

"Thank you for helping me" the woman says before trying to stand up just to be stopped by Changze's hand. She visibly flinches making the man stop grabbing her.

"Miss, you're still hurt" he says "Please stay until you're better"

"I'm grateful for your help" she says with fake calmness, her gaze like ice "But I should go, I'm probably being persecuted, and I would not like those that helped me to get hurt"

"Don't you worry about us" Sanren adds "We are well hidden here, and we'll never stop helping someone in need. So miss, what's your name?"

"This one's name is Shen Jiu"

Wei Wuxian as Bingjiu's sonWhere stories live. Discover now