Bobby and Richie sib-namic headcanons!!

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So uh these two are my favorites in hsk and i wondered what if they had a sibling dynamic and that thought led to the creqtion of this note so enjoy ig

-Richie is into modern things like phones, gadgets and robots, while Bobby is more into history and nature. Bobby helps Richie when he has a history test coming up and Richie teaches him simple tech things when Bobby needs it.

-Both into science and tell eachother nerd facts (with occassional entry from Dot.)

-Bobby wont ever admit it but he deeply cares for Richie, him and Tiny are the little brothers he didnt know he needed.

-They both wear dresses sometimes for the fun of it.

-Bobby helps Richie with some of his robots and often gives Richie ideas for new inventions, most of them are old school though.

-They cook mac 'n cheese together

-Richie makes horrible tasting food but Bobby wont admit it.

-Elsa and Anna type of relationship

-Probably gossips about drama


-In the same class as Bobby and Dot because Richie and Dot skipped a year (smartasses)


-Richie's robots sometimes explode and because of this Richie has slight hearing loss.

-I like to think Bobby having brown hair was him dying his natural white hair. So Bobby really is an albino and is longsighted.

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