𝟖. I really like you, Scarlett.

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This chapter contains smut!!


The car ride to Lottie's was mostly quiet, just the music playing and some sighs and yawns.

They arrive at Lotties and Lottie smiles at her "Thanks for the ride, bye love ya!"

"Bye Lot! Love you!" She said back and Van clenched her jaw.

She waited for Lottie to get inside safely and started to drive to Van's.

"Hey, Van?" She interrupted her random thoughts.

"Hm?" Van hummed in response "You know, about earlier..did you like it? Like did that mean something to you?"

"Of course it did. I really like you, Scarlett." Van turned her body toward the blonde girl.

"I just, you haven't really brought it up. I wanted to know if it was like a one time thing to you.." She glanced over at Van.

"No, no. It meant so much, I..wanna be with you." Van puts her hand on her lap to comfort her.

She smiled "I wanna be with you, Van."

"Pull over."


After Van told her to pull over and she did pull over, in an empty parking lot.

She parked and Van practically jumped at her, kissing her passionately.

They made out some more, they held each others faces before she pulls back and climbs over the console to straddle Vans lap.

Van pushes Scarletts hair out of her face "You're so gorgeous." Van whispered to her.

She started to kiss Vans neck in that moment as Van starts breathing heavily.

Scarlett pulls back "I want to."

"Are you sure?" Van asked, grabbing Scarletts waist while she nodded.

"Yes, I'm sure."

Van kisses her again and rocked Scarletts hips back and forth into her.

Scarlett pulls back with a moan "Wanna get in the back?"

Van nods and Scarlett climbs over and Van opened the car door and got in threw the door.

Scarlett laid back as Van hovered over her and kissed her.

She pulls Vans jacket off and tossed it then Van pulled Scarletts dress up slightly.

Scarlett sat up and slipped the dress off and Van looked down at her while she laid back down.

"You're so beautiful." Vans hand slid down to Scarletts panties and grabbed the waistband.

"Can I?" Van looked up at her and she nodded a yes so Van pulled down her panties then she started to tug on Vans shirt she pulled it off quickly.

Van reaches down between Scarletts legs and started to slowly rub on her heat.

"Is this okay?" She quickly asked and Scarlett nodded "More than okay."

Scarlett arched her back while Van starts to rub at a faster pace and Scarlett quickly tugged her own panties off and tossed them.

Van started to kiss Scarlett's neck and kissed down her body till she was down between her legs.

Van spread the girls legs open and started to eat her out while Scarlett tugged on Vans hair.

"Oh, fuck.."

Scarlett moaned and tossed her head back while her hands ran threw and tugged on Van's hair.

"Oh, Van!" She moans loudly and Van grabs Scarletts other hand, intertwining their fingers.

She slips two fingers inside of her and Scarlett squeezes Van's hand and moaned.

"Oh my gosh! Oh, Van!" Scarlett arched her back while Van starts to pump her fingers inside her.

"Holy shit..I'm so close!" She whined loudly when Van curled her fingers and Scarletts eyes squeeze shut.

"Oh! I'm gonna-" She is cut off with her own moan as she came undone.

Van slows her pace down but continues for a minute until she lifts her head up and she slowly stopped her movements.

Van moves up to hover over her as she pants, Van pushed a piece of hair behind Scarlett's ear.

"Scar, you are so perfect."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20 ⏰

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