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Yoongi's Pov:

"Hey! Good morning Author Unknown".
"Good morning Yoongi! You seem in a good mood today. Is there a special reason behind it anyway...?"
"Of course there is... Didn't you saw what happened yesterday? The way she was flustered around me... Ahh that was so good to see though!".
"What! Why is that so? Do you perhaps feel something towards her? Are you falling for her anyway?"
"What happened Yoongi? Answer me".
"I don't know. I'll talk to you later. Just go away before I ruin my mood here and that would be just because of you!".
"Okay, okay! I'm going.
Yeah let's continue the story..."

I stood in front of my University entrance gate. I sighed heavily. My eyes started to search only for a specific person. And there she is!
I ran towards her. I reached to her slightly smacked her head from behind. She got pissed and turned around to face me. She groaned looking at me.
"Yah! What was that for? Why did you do that, huh?"
"Why... Do I need your permission for doing so? And if I do, I won't take any permission for doing anything to you..." I said and winked at her.
She rolled her eyes and increased her pace moving towards her locker. I chased her again.

"What!? Stop following me!"

"What I ain't following you"

"Then why are you coming behind me, huh!?"

"Why would I come behind you. I was going to my locker. Oh wait don't tell me you don't know your locker is next to mine!".

"W-what your locker is next to mine!? Then where are keys? I know you are lying. Show me whe- "
I opened my locker using my keys before she complete her sentence. She was embarrassed at her own self. I chuckled to myself. She then left me alone and ran away in embarrassment. I unknowingly smiled to myself.
"Y/N. You are really something..."

End of Yoongi's Pov.
Y/N's Pov:

What the hell! I really didn't knew that his locker was next to mine. Aish! That was embarrassing. But he's getting on my nerves now.

I ran to the class immediately. I entered and went to my place. Jimin wasn't here yet. I sighed and sat on my place. I closed my eyes for sometime but slowly opened them as I felt a presence beside me.
"Oh, Jimin-ah you came. You're late to-"
"I am not your Jimin-ah. Open your eyes and look clearly kitten!"
I heard a husky voice instead of a sweet voice. I was beyond shock to see HIM... Again...
"Yah! What are you doing here!? This isn't your seat".
"I know, but I wanna sit here. Is there any problem kitten?"
"Yes! There is a problem. This is Jimin's seat. You can't sit here!"
"Your dear Jimin is not present today so I can sit where ever I want to... And today I want to sit here... Got it... KITTEN!"
"Okay! Just sit here... But stop calling me with that name. I am not anyone's kitten".
"Why does it make you turn on for me... Baby!"
"Fuck off!"

I heard him chuckle. For the whole class I tried my best to ignore him. He's so freaking annoying... Jerk!
Soon it was the time we had to submit our assignments we were told to do yesterday... I was all ready. But I looked at him hoping he would remove the assignment I did for him. But he was sitting ideal.
"Hey! Where's your assignment huh?"
"I forgot it at home". He said so simply.
"What! You just forgot it!? I did it for you with so much efforts and you... You just forgot it at home. How can you so careless Yoongi!?"

"Relax... I'll submit my work".
"Like this..."
He said and snatched my assignment and before I could do or say anything... He had already handed in the work to the professor. He came back on his place and sat as if nothing happened. He left me so dumbfounded that I couldn't even grasp what just happened.

'Did he... Did he just gave my work as his...!? Then what about my work...!? What am I gonna do!?' I thought to myself.

"Y/n. Only your assignment is not given. Where is that? Hand me come-on". Mr. Kim said. I stood up on my place and...
"S-sir... My assignment are not done..."
'wait... What did I just say... Why did I said that huh!? What's gotten into me!?' I thought.
Professor shakes his head in disbelief and scolded me for nothing and now I couldn't move back. I was so angry on HIM. How can he do that... And he has no regrets...
I looked at him and saw him already smirking at me...

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