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Fez sat down next to me lighting up and pulling me onto his lap. My body just sort of collapsed into his and I rest my head onto his shoulder.I was exhausted from overdosing and you know sex.

He passed me the so needed blunt which I took straight to my lips.

His hands brushed through my hair. "I love you Soph like I love love you." My smile grew and I coughed out the smoke from in my lungs. "What." I say giggling slightly.

"I love you?" He repeated sounding more concerned.

"I love you too Fezzy" I sat up and grabbed his face kissing him softly. When I pulled away he looked nervous like there was something he wanted to say but couldnt.

"what is it Fez". I pull away looking deep into his eyes."You wanna be my girlfriend?" He blurts out nervously.

I love this.

I mean him being nervous about me saying no or rejecting him. As if I would. Did he not know me at all.

"Of course I do dumb ass!!" I practically yell at him. "I thought you'd never ask". This time he pulled me in for a kiss. Wrapping his arms around my waist he depened the kiss.

Nothing else in this moment mattered but him and he was all I could think about.

That was untill Ash came bursting through the front door.

"Oh fuck no, yall didn't fuck where I eat bro?" I look back at him and laugh hopping of Fez and walking into the kitchen.

"Oh fuck come on, I'm gonna have to fucking bleach that couch, no forget that imma have to fucking bleach this entire room. Man ahh fuck this" he stormed of to his room heavy footed groaning as he went into the hall.

I was laughing so hard my stomach started to hurt. "Fuck man that kid kills me." Fez laughed leaning his head on the back of the couch. I grab a bag of chips from the pantry and opened them looking over at Fez realising I havent talked to my mum at all today.

"Do you mind if I stay here tonight I don't feel like going home yet."

Untill this point I hadn't really thought about my home I was just praying that Rue came up with something to tell our moms.

"Yeah of course ma stay as long as you want." I smile at him jumping up onto the bench with my chips and starting to have a few. I sat on the bench for a few minutes just making my way through the chips untill I was full.

"I'm gonna have a shower can I wear something of yours tonight?" I asked him.

"Yeah of course take whatever you want you know where everything is." He said. I was about to get up when the thought popes into my mind. Well more of a craving. I was just waiting for this to come up. Im actually surprised I lasted this long.

"Do you have any coke I could have Please" I asked him hoping of the table and heading towards the hall.

"None that your getting you just overdosed you need to give your body a rest ma." He said back a hint of annoyance lacing his voice. My throbbing headache was starting and the withdrawals were catching up to me.

"Fine I guess ill go ask Ash then." I reply back running off to Ash's room. My anxiety spikes and I know that Fez wont be far of me.

"Don't you dare Soph." He yells sternly. He stood up and chased after me but I managed to make it into Ashs room locking it behind me before he could get in.

"Heyyyyy Ash you got any coke on you?" I say Fez was banging on the door yelling. "ASH DONT GIVE HER ANYTHING"

I pant heavily trying to catch my breathe, the anxiety I was feeling didnt help me either. I push my back hard against the door hopping to hold him off longer.

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