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"KATSUKI BAKUGO, AGE 19, blonde hair, red eyes and a low tempered personality" read detective tsukauchi as he looked up at the blonde boy sitting in front of him

In response, katsuki scoffed and leaned further back into the metal chair he sat on

"shall I continue?" the detective asked, knowing the blondes answer well enough already

"do what ya want" the younger mumbled fiddling with one of the many rings that decorated his fingers

"caught for displaying acts of vandalism, substance abuse, alcohol related incidents and selling of drugs, all things that you've been caught by me and other officers in the police force for doing" tsukauchi read as the blonde sighed

Yes, he knew these things, after all he was the ones who did them, he didn't need to be reminded countless times, they've made their point very clear, in katsuki's opinion.

"so now comes the serious part of this discussion" he said, closing the blondes records file and leaning forward "why do you do these things kid? you've been caught countless times, and you've been given the same warning, but seeing as those warnings aren't working for you, we'll need a form of punishment"

This had caught the blondes attention, yes he knew what warning the detective was speaking of, after all it was a simple "we'll let you off the hook, but next time there will be consequences" and it seemed as though this time was the time that involved the consequence to his actions, but what could it be?

"you will be faced with a 6 month sentence in a detention center until your hearing, from there the jury will decide whether or not you'll be freed from this sentence or if it will be extended" he explained, causing katsuki to start protesting against this, though he was stopped when the cop held up a hand, signaling him go keep quiet

"now, there is an alternative for this" tsukauchi started, sighing as he massaged his temple, "as you know, summer has started which means there is three months of vacation until a new school year starts, within these three months you will do volunteer work at the local kiddy hospital, if you complete all three months, the jury will reconsider the sentence they had in mind for you"

The blonde nodded as he immediately went into thought about this situation, surely six measly months in a detention center wouldn't be bad, but three months in a kiddy hospital and the good graces of the jury.. that's not bad at all, it actually seems like the preferred option

"fine, i'll do the volunteer work"


On the other side of town, a similar meeting was being held, except there was no jury, no cops and no jail time.

"Y/N L/N, aged 18, top of her class and valedictorian, she has great potential in the academic aspect of things, but she is lacking in the social aspect, something that could cause a serious issue in the future" the headmaster said, as he read over your file

You sat directly across him as you listened to him talk, his tone of voice was dull- bored almost. On your left say your mother, and on your right, your guidance counselor whom is also the reason this meeting was currently being held

"now, we will need to sort out this issue before the new school year- any suggestions?" the headmaster asked

"well the local kiddy hospital on the other side of town was looking for volunteers to help for the summer, I'm sure y/n could be of assistance there" your guidance counselor- mei spoke, earing a hum of approval from both your mother and the headmaster

It's not that you didn't have any social skills or anything, it was just hard for you to approach people and ask to make friends with them, you had a close group of friends and you were quite content, so you didn't see the need to extend that

"look, Ms. L/N, we have your best interests at heart, this could be good for you, and i hear that the kids there are lovely, think of the opportunities you could get if you did this" the headmaster spoke

You hummed and stared at him, yes there could be great opportunities at the end of this, but children weren't your strong suit, you were an only child, so you didn't exactly know how to look out for someone younger.

Then again the dates for college applications were drawing near. And this would look great on your application to UA

"fine, i'll do it, only if it'll help me get into UA's School of Dance though"


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