0.0 | Book of Meave

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In Beacon Hills Maeve Stilinski sat in her room getting ready for the first day of school after break.

In Mystic Falls the Scooby-Doo gang were getting ready for the ball and the Mikaelson's were also getting ready while there mother takes her plan into action.

When suddenly each of the three groups were transported into a beautiful meadow with a large screen and rows of chairs.

"What in the bitch" Maeve mutters as Noah helps his niece up and looks around for his son.

"Maeve!" Stiles yells, running over to his father and cousin. "Are you okay?" Stiles asks as he hugs his

"Mae?" A familiar voice said causing the girl to snap her head towards it and sees and a familiar family causing tear to form.

"Talia,Cora,Derek,Peter?" Maeve asked before running to pull the four in a hug as everybody looks at them confused.

"Where the bloody hell are we?" A British accent says making everyone jump not realizing they weren't alone.

"Who the bloody hell are you?" Maeve mimics the blonde haired man causing him to glares to which she raised an eyebrow at and smirks as Derek pulls Maeve close to him in a protective manner.

"Mom,Dad" Two teens says instantly runs over followed by a girl no older than eight follows to their parents and hugs them tight as tears fall down their face.

"Uhh what?" Maeve asks confused as who these kids were and why they were calling her mom.

"Hello everyone" Ayana says standing next to the screen.

"Ayana?" The Blonde British woman asks with a soft smile.

"How are you here?" Suit man asks confused.

"We have brought you all here for one reason only, Maeve Stilinski" The other woman says, making everyone look at Maeve Stilinski who was still comforting the kids, Maeve notices everyone look at her.

"What?" Maeve asked.

"Maeve Claudia Stilinski- Mikaelson Future hale " Ayana says making most eyes widen.

"Mikaelson?" The unknown people yelled.

"She knows your name" Stiles whispers to her.

"No Shit Stiles" Maeve replied looking at her cousin before looking the woman confused "how do you know my name and Hale?"

"Your very powerful" Ayana said smiling at the girl. "Being the daughter of an original and married to a hale"

"What!" The three Stilinski's and Hales screamed.

"Would you guys like to explain who you are" Ayana says softly to the teenagers and little girl as they all look at each other trying to decide who should go first.

"I'm Hope Kingston I'm basically a little sister to you after I was found in the wood running from hunter" Hope says looking at Maeve and Stiles.

"Kingston?" Klaus asks confused the name sounding familiar.

"Yeah my father and mother were the alpha of the Kingston pack before they were killed" Hope says softly making people look at her with sympathy.

"I'm Talia Lydia Hale I'm daughter of Derek Hale and Maeve Stilinski" Talia reveals looking between her parents and grandmother who has tears in her eyes.

"I'm Eli Noah Hale I'm Son of Derek Hale and Maeve Stilinski" Eli also reveals looking smiling.

"I'm Alison Lara Hale but I go by Ali I'm the youngest daughter of Derek Hale and Maeve Stilinski" Ali says softly making Allison Argent look at Maeve and then Ali with a soft smile.

"So wait why are we here?" The suit man asked.

"We'll Maeve is the daughter of Elijah Mikaelson" Ayana said as everyone's eyes widened at the confession.

"Vampires cannot procreate!" Klaus argues.

"Wait, vampires are real!... This is Awesome!" Stiles and Maeve says excited jumping.

"No one really understands how it happened it just did like I said she is very powerful" Ayana smiles looking at the girl who still in Derek's arms. "But you guys are here to watch the life of Maeve so take a seat and we'll begin"

Everyone takes a seat on a chair as The three kids pulls their parents and push them in chairs before sitting by them.

Everyone takes a seat on a chair as The three kids pulls their parents and push them in chairs before sitting by them

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Derek | Maeve
Hope | Talia (2) | Eli | Ali

|The Mikaelson's |

| Teen Wolf |

|The Scooby Gang |

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