Chapter 1: The Sound of my Choice

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POV: Hero TJ

My whole life, I always struggled trying to figure out who I am and what my role in this world would be.
I felt lost. I thought that I was always doomed to a life of being a background character, forever.
But then one day, I came across music.

It was the one thing that really made me feel alive. Then, I realized that I could use music to make other people feel alive too. So, that's what my main goal has been ever since - I want to use music to help others find their own voice, their own purpose, and their own way to shine. I hope that by spreading my love for music and spreading hope and positivity all over the world, I can help inspire others to find their own path, too.

I remember viewing my first live performance when I was younger, and there was something that the lead singer said that stuck with me, "Never lose hope."

Never lose hope.

My thoughts get interrupted by an obnoxious alarm beeping for what felt like ages. I was so tired, but I was aware that I if I didn't turn off my alarm, the beeping would never end. So I reluctantly turn off my alarm and look at the time on it. 8:30 am. I normally wake up at 7, which means that I slept in, ugh...

I try my best to wake myself up and get ready to go out. Aka splashing myself with water, showering, getting dressed, eating breakfast, brushing my teeth, grabbing my phone, and putting my headphones and wallet in my backpack.

Today's the day I'll finally be able to buy an instrument! I had to do alot of sidejobs to be able to save enough money. I practiced a couple of instruments in local music stores in the past, but I haven't really decided on what instrument to stick with. Until today!

I head out of my apartment room and pull out my phone to give me directions to the nearest music store. Trying my best to avoid running into other people, I head into the apartment's elevators and head outside.

While sprinting, I bump into someone who was wearing a yellow hoodie and texting someone on his phone. I grab his phone before it falls to the floor and hand it back to him once he gets up.

I tried to apologize for bumping into him, but the only words that came out of my mouth were that I'm so sorry. The yellow hoodie guy said that it's fine and that he should've looked where he was going. He walks off in a different direction from me, and I continue heading to the music store.

I end up passing by a girl in a purple dress and a guy wearing a blue scarf. But I managed to head to the music store in time! I catch my breath and proceed to head to the store clerk.

"Hello there sir, is there anything in particular that you were looking for?" He asked me. "I've been thinking about becoming a musician, and now that I have the funds to buy myself an instrument, I'm trying to find the instrument that speaks to me." I said. "Can you help me find what I'm looking for?" I asked. He ended up getting a guide to give me a tour around the store and the different areas they have for different types of instruments. They had guitars, basses, drums, and keyboards, but the one thing that caught my attention were their selection of turntables.

My heart leaps at the sight of the turntables. "This is it." I thought. "This is the type of instrument that will help me spread hope through music." I quickly walk over to the turntables selection, my heart beating fast with excitement. As I run my hands over the sleek surface of the turntables, I can't help but feel like this is where I belong. As I look at the different options the store had in terms of turntables, I ended up buying a white mixer with black knobs and faders & 2 black vinyl record players. I pay for the gear and walk out of the store and back to my apartment.

After setting up the turntables and plugging everything in, it was time for me to take my first steps into the world of DJing. Until I realized I had no records to use. I sigh heavily and head over to the record shop, and buy myself some vinyl records with the spare money that I have. I head back to my apartment with the records that I need. "OK, this is it! Now that I have some vinyl records, I can finally practice the art of DJing!" I enthusiastically said to myself while taking off my backpack.

As I put my headphones on and place the first record on the turntable, my hands shake slightly with nerves and excitement. As the record spins and the music begins to play, I can't help but smile. Despite the hiccups and mistakes I make, I'm having an incredible time mixing and matching different melodies and beats together. I know that with practice and patience, I'll be able to get better and better at this whole DJing thing.

As the afternoon turns to the evening, and after I get used to the faders & mixing tracks together, I now get to learning how to scratch. I'm so nervous, but I'm ready to give it my best attempt. I swap out the current record on the right deck for one of my scratch records. "Let's do this!" I said with confidence. As I place my right hand on the record, moving it back and forth, as well as moving the cross-fader with my left hand, I'm blown away by the sounds that come out. It's like a whole new world of music, and creativity has just opened up to me. I can feel those sparks of inspiration already starting to ignite inside of me. "This is fun!" I said with pure joy! I already feel like I'm one step closer to becoming a DJ and one step closer to reaching my goals!

After practicing some more, I get a good hang of the basic scratch techniques. I still have a lot of room for improvement, but for my first day, I feel like I did pretty well. I looked over to the windows of my apartment and realized that it's nighttime. "Ah!" I say in surprise."It's already late." I couldn't help but laugh. Time flies by when you're having fun, I suppose, hehe.

I turn off and take the records off the turntables and store my vinyl records in a box. I get into my pajamas, ready to doze off to dreamland. But before I do that, I lay down on my bed, deep in thought, reflecting on the last few days and how far I've come in my journey towards becoming a DJ. I managed to save enough to buy some DJ equipment, and I got to mix and scratch some funky tunes! I can't believe how much I've learned and how far I've come already, and I'm just getting started. There's still so much that I've yet to learn, but I'm eager to learn everything there is to being a DJ. I know that can make my dreams come true. I know that I have the skills necessary to spread hope to as many people as I can.

And that's exactly what I'm going to do!

(Author's Note: Whew! I finally got around to posting chapter 1 of this AU. I honestly don't know when chapter 2 will be out so be prepared to wait, but for now, I hope you all enjoy what I wrote so far!)

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