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There it is again. The clench in his jaw. There glare in his eye. If I didn't know any better I'd say he was jealous. Jeremiah Fisher. Jealous.

This party is our. Too loud. It's the middle of summer party that the we always throw to signal the beginning of August. I'm talking to a boy I've never seen in Cousins before. He's a year older and a brunette. Typically he's my type, but to say my heart lays somewhere else would be an understatement.

The boy I'm talking to is names Peter or Matt I can't even remember. All I know is that
he's already kissed me twice, and based off the look he's giving me he sees this night ending in a different way than I do.

Jeremiah is still staring from across the room. Just to piss him off I allow Peter or whatever his name is to kiss me again. I allow myself to flirt with him and give him attention all because I know it will make Jere mad.

I've had a crush on him since I was nine years old. I've had whole life with this boy but never has he shown any interest in me whatsoever. I was convinced that he only saw me as a friend. But this summer has been different. We flirt more and he's certainly gotten even more attractive if that's even possible. Most of all he's become jealous.

" I have to go now. But I'll give you my number" I wink putting it in his phone. When he finally walks away it takes less than a minute for Jeremiah to swoop on and stand in front of me.

" Heyyy" he draws out.

" Why have you been watching me like an over protective dad?" I ask him crossing my arms. I watch as he falters a moment at being called out.

" I recognized that guy that's all" he lies.

" Oh" was all I could manage.

" Do you want to get out of here. This music is hurting my head" he says loudly so I'm able to hear him. I nod quickly. He grabs my hand and leads me out of the house. We make our way down to the beach and continue walking. He's not wearing a shirt. God I wish he was so I wouldn't be so distracted. I have to repeat the words best friends in my brain so I won't forget them.

All of a sudden I pull my hand away from his.

" What?" He asks looking at me confusion written all over his face.

" You know what Jere" I sigh continuing walking. He nods a little but doesn't speak so I continue.

" I can't hold your hand and walk on the beach like we're in some rom com." I say. He looks at me as if it makes sense now.

" Right sorry" he says. Eventually we get to the part of the beach we always stop and stand at.

There absolutely nothing special about this spot but ever since we were twelve we have paused in the same spot just to look out over the ocean. This time instead of starring at the water I stare at him. His chest. His abs. His eyes. He notices me looking and smirks a little. It's as if I'm hypnotized because I couldn't even care less. I suddenly have the urge to touch him. All I want is ti be able to play with his hair and kiss him and call him mine. That's all I've ever wanted. But it's not only about what I want.

" Is there something in my hair?" He asks genuinely. Feeling around for a fuzz. I shake my head.

" No" I whisper. I can't help it. I walk up to him so I'm standing really close. I reach my hand up but before I make contact with his hair I pause.

" Can I?" The words come out soft and whispery. Fear lining every word. The eye contact he's making is scaring me. He hasn't looked away once and it's possible he's feeling what I am.

" yeah" he nods. I take his answer and run my fingers through his waves. His hair is so soft. He watched me carefully as I so cautiously play with his hair. I finally release him.

" Can you hear that?" I ask. He smirks a little.

" Hear what?" He asks.

" My heart is racing" I laugh a little. I grab his hand and lightly place it on my chest. I'm wearing a bikini top and shorts so his hand is directly on my skin. I feel his breath hitch and his eyes widen looking too mine.

" wow. It's going really fast" he says. " Are you nervous" he asks not removing his hand

" Yeah. Very" I say truthfully

" Why?" He breaths out. My chest is behind where his hand is. In a good way.

" Because you have an effect on me." I say honestly.

" Oh yeah?" He teases smirking again. This time he dips his head low and kisses me softly. I melt against his lips and my heart skips a beat. He pulls away for a second and looks at me in my eyes.

" Are you sure?" He whispers out of breath.

" I've never been more sure" I respond connecting our lips again. I allow his hand to travel a little lower and I smile into the kiss as he strategically does so. When we finally pull away there are fireworks going off in my heart.

" I don't think of you as a friend" he says eventually. I force myself not to make a joke about how obvious that was. Instead I say.

" I feel the same way. I always have." He grabs one of my hands.

" Would you want" He asks sheepishly. He's fearing rejection but he doesn't know that there is no person on this planet that I would rather have than him.

" Like you would be my boyfriend? " I just want to hear him say the words.

" Yeah. Like I'd be your boyfriend. If you'd want that" he says.

" I would love to be your girlfriend Jere." I say. Kissing him quickly. His jaw drops in shock a little.

" woah. What just happened" he breathes out.

" Stevens going to try and kill you" I warn him laughing.

" Shit. I forgot about everyone else" he says holding my hand the whole walk back. This time I let him.

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