Jack alrlon
Age 20
Height: 1.72 feet
Shipbuilding: Can create any type of ship on sea or space as long as there is a shipyard
Factory building : this power is similar to ship but the difference you can build robot soldiers , tanks , gunships as long as there is a factory
Change ring : Like the shipgirls he has the power to melt any ship in mind and he will transform into that ship of his choosing
Time fault : This tool can be equipped on shipyard and factory which can produce 2000 ships per day and equipment like weapons , tanks And soldiers 10,000 a day
the celestial fleet ( Azur Lane + Multiverse )
Actionyear 1939 also the year of the beginning of the destruction of mankind and the arrival of the sirens mankind tried to fight back but it didn't go well they are pushed back by enemy forces until a new hope for humanity arrives the Windom cube Th...