A Care...

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Y/N's Pov:

It's been a week since I got Dahyun as a friend. She is very sweet, polite, yet a talkative girl. She is really very bubbly and getting mingle with new people immediately was one of her habits that I got to learn about her... She has black silky long hair, a smooth yet high pitched voice, big doe eyes, and most importantly a beautiful heart with a beautiful face... All in all a perfect girl... I feel very happy to be around her... She is a great company to be honest... She acts clingy to me all the time... When I asked her once, "are you this clingy to everyone?" To which she answered, "Yes but no! I can be clingy to the person I really love or trust with whole heart" This was the only thing she answered me that I understood really quick. And now I knew that she really saw me as her best friend. And me? Of course I too needed a good friend like her. And yes! She is my best friend now~

This whole week was more than enough for us to know about each other... Our bond became really good.
And about Yoongi?... Yes, he's still the same. Bullying me on every turn of my life... He is unbelievable for real! But now I don't mind it that much to be honest, because this all looks like something that only a friend could do to annoy you. And to be honest, Yoongi have never bullyed me to a high level. He just causes troubles to me, make me feel embarrassed in front of everyone, just annoy me, telling me to do his homework, make me do his cooking or all the house cores, etc. But he had never forced me for anything nor he had crossed his limits in bullying me. He had never caused me any mental or physical harm due to bullying... In short he just likes to annoy me as it's his habit or maybe... There's any other reason which I don't know...

But I never take his teasing seriously as I understand that he is just making fun and nothing else... But somewhere I hope that he will change completely. And the reason for him to be changed would be me... Maybe...


Time skip.
At apartment.

I was in my room sitting on my bed doing literally nothing but almost dying in pain. If you got it, then you're right. I'm going through those painful days every girl has to go through every month or next...
I was having so bad cramps that I could cry anytime now. And for my second luck, I don't have any painkillers with me right now as they are out of stock in my room. And I really needed something to calm down my cramps and mood swings...
I was crumbled up in my blanket like a caterpillar in its cocoon, holding my stomach in my hands... I soon heard a knock on my room door. "Come in". Was the only thing that left my mouth.
Soon Yoongi entered the room with a blank face which soon was followed by a frown... Probably because of seeing my state.

"Um... Can I... Have food... Please", he said calmly yet confused at my state.
"Yoongi... I am sorry... You can't get any food today... I can't make anything" I replied.
"Why... I mean what's up?"
"I can't get up from my bed today... I... I... Wil die today... I have no... e-energy left..."
"WHAT! WHAT'S WRONG ARE YOU OKAY!?" He said and came towards me immediately. He made me sit first then checked my forehead.
"Oh god! Y/n you're burning hot! You had a fever and you didn't told me!... Haven't you taken any medicine!?"
"I.. I don't have any medicine..."
"What's happening to you exactly?"
"I'm on... My... Periods..." I said him finally... I don't know how I got the guts to say this to him, of course I felt embarrassed as I didn't wanted him to know about this... But I couldn't hold myself anymore because the concern he showed to me was something I really needed right now. And he was the only one there whom I could trust on... Yes! I trusted him.

"Ohh is that so? You scared me for a minute. Haven't you taken any painkillers?" He asked to which I shook my head as a no. 'He was scared... For me!' Was the only thing I cared about right now.
"Wait a minute then, I'll be back". He said a went away. He came back after a few minutes with a cup of hot tea for me. He gave me the cup and told me to drink it immediately. Ah~ that's what I need~ the tea literally made me forget my pain for some time. I felt happy unknowingly. He cared about me. I smiled and took another sip of the tea.

"Y/n I got some work I remembered now. I gotta go, I'll be back soon. And please have a nap after finishing the tea. It'll make you feel better", he said to which I nodded not wanting to say something further. I saw his figure finally disappearing from my sight. Soon I finished the tea and looked at the cup. It reminded me how much he was worried for me. I smiled to myself on the thought and decided to have a sleep for some time.

End of Y/N's Pov.
Yoongi's Pov:

Oh God! She really made me scared for a minute. Aish she was just on her periods and she was acting as if she was really going to die. Aish! Girls can't never be understood. I made her some tea which she took immediately. I felt happy to myself that she felt comfortable with me. The way I was worried and scared today, was something that never happened to me... It was first time I was worried for someone other than my friends. But I wanted to be worried... For her... Yes! I wanted to take care of her... But I really don't know why... Maybe... It's... Aish! What am I even thinking... But anyways I decided to take care of her completely so I went out of the house excusing myself from her. I went to the nearest convenience store to get something for her... I bought some things I knew a girl would need on her days...
I took some chocolate, chips, candy, some icecream, and some sanitary things for her... This was the least I could get for her as of course I am not used to these things... I took some warm slippers for her, some painkillers for her, some juice she would like... Some tea bags...
I bought some ramen, pizza, and some gimbaps for us as we both were hungry, and I didn't want her to take the efforts to do the dinner and also the main thing was, I didn't know how to cook. I went back to the apartment.
I entered her room without knocking and luckily I did right by not knocking... She was asleep...

I stared at her face for some seconds... Such an innocent soul. She was sleeping with a small pout on her face and was looking as the most innocent girl in the world...  Not wanting to disturb her but she needs to eat something before taking her medicine. So I slowly shaked her up...
"Y/n, y/n... Get up. Look what I brought for you!"
She slowly opened her eyes and looked at me and then to the bags I had in my hands. She got up and sat straight. "What's all this? And where have you gone?" She asked in sleepy tone. "How are you feeling now?" I asked and she just nodded indicating she was now okay... I sighed in relief.
"I went to bring some food for us. And also some things for you... Come let's eat together" I said. She smiled genuinely at me which I felt the best. She took the bags checked them for once and kept it on her bed. She came with me out of the room. 

We went to the living room.
And started eating... After a while we finished our eating and I decided to wash the dishes today...
Now it was time for us to sleep... So we bid our good night and went to sleep.

Still I was thinking about the incidents that helped a few hours ago. I smiled to myself at the thought of it. I got a strong feeling that I wanted these kind of things in my life... My situation had made me what I'm today for the world, while very few know how I'm actually in person. These bullying and all, these are not my things to be honest. I wanted to be a normal guy but my circumstances made me become like this... Yes! It's true if I say that I don't really like to get mixed with new people around or the crowds, but it doesn't mean that I would bully every another person just for my sake. Yes! I wanted to have my own personal space and no one interfering it, but not in this way... That I'm forcing people out of my life due to my own selfishness.

I wanted to get my old self back. But the main problem is, HOW?  AND WHO WOULD HELP ME?
I wish I will really find someone who could definitely change me back to my normal self. And that too not just by my will but by  love... True love and... Care ~ 

I soon drifted to sleep thinking about all my life in a few minutes.  Good night everyone~


Spoiler alert 😝

"Yoongi is in that team too. You can cheer up for him. I know you like him. Don't you dare try to deny. You are coming with me and that's final, no more discussion!" She said and crossed her arms around her chest.

'because she believes that he looks so hot in his Jersey and also when he flips his wet hair back off his forehead, the scene looks breath taking. The sweat dripping off his face and that... that look of gruffness he gives due to continue runnings and pantings...'

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Hope you all liked it. I don't know how much but still hoping for better.

So see you all in next chapter.
Stay tuned. Till then



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