Chapter 28

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Instrumental music played over the speakers, couples swaying in pairs across the dance floor as Malcolm fought for his life.

Frowning, he tried to concentrate, tried to remember the handful of steps that the instructor had boldly called 'basic'.

She's clearly underestimating my complete lack of skill...

With a grimace, Malcolm pushed his thoughts aside, exhaling slowly as he focused on the music, the rhythm, and the exquisite pleasure of having Sophie Bennet in his arms.

Effortlessly, her feet seemed to glide through the steps, a graceful counterpoint to his lumbering oafishness.

All the while, her eyes were on him, warm and encouraging as she watched him move.

Thinking back, he remembered how her eyes had looked that night, curled up on his lap, pulse thundering, lips swollen from their kiss.

Rapt and ravenous, she'd looked at him with a stare that burned, that set him ablaze with a fiery need he knew all too well.

It had taken every ounce of willpower he possessed, but he'd pulled back, knowing that they were moving too fast, knowing that no matter how much she'd wanted it then, she would have regretted it in the morning.

But, alone in his bed that night, nothing could stop him from dreaming...

Entwined under the stars, he'd peeled her shirt off of her body, tossing her bra aside as he acquainted himself with the taste and texture of her skin.

He'd carried her inside, laying her on his bed and exploring every exquisite curve.

He'd buried his face between her thighs, set to discover whether her lips were as sweet as the rest of her.

He'd heard her cry out as she came that night, and every night since-

And, accidentally stepping forward when he should have stepped back, Malcolm's right foot planted solidly on top of Sophie's, thrusting him back into reality.

"Shit-" Instant guilt flooded through him.

Chuckling, Sophie said, "I think that's five?"

Malcolm released her, ashamed, "I'm sorry - we could take a break; do you want to take a break?"

She shook her head, smiling, "Don't worry, I'm fine-"


"Seriously, Malcolm," Sophie leveled her stare at him, "I did ballet. I've danced en pointe - I'm lucky I still have toes."

He frowned, "Wait, really?"

"Well," she amended, "okay, that's an exaggeration, but I did lose some toenails."


"Yeah," she grinned, "turns out that your 'little piggies' aren't built to support the pressure of your entire body weight on them. Who knew?"

Taking his hand, she pulled him forward, speaking softly as her gaze met his, "How about this - I'll lead for a bit while you get used to the flow of the dance, then we'll switch back?"

Panic crept up his spine, "What do I do?"

"You just follow me," she assured.

Guiding him through the first round of steps, Sophie coached Malcolm, and, slowly, he found that his awkward, halting movements grew smoother-

"Malcolm, stop it."

He glanced up, asking, "What?"

"Overthinking - you start overthinking and then that's when you start making mistakes."

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