Sorry, did I wake your dream?

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Esme's POV

"Get outta my way, bitch." The jock snarled.
Before I knew it, I was pushed aside and away from my locker, into another jock's arms. He restrained me from stopping the leader of the group as he broke into my locker, throwing its contents onto the floor.
I tried to break free, but it was no use, the boy's masculine arms were far too strong for my fragile infrastructure.
"Who the fuck do you think you are, trying to struggle away from us?" The boy whispered into my ear, sending strange sensations down my spine.

Who am I?
My name is Esme Seward, and I'm the younger, and only sister of Johnny Seward. My face looks identical to Johnny's apart from my button nose that I inherited from my father. My eyes are brown and my hair is just about shoulder length and is a significantly deep brown, with slight tones of jet black and burgundy within each strand.
Of course, my figure is of a petite nature, just like Johnny, although being small has its perks, the fact that I'm undeniably tiny makes me seem vulnerable, which is probably why I get pushed around so much.

"So? Who do you think you are, whore?" He poked me in the chest. Of course I was not convinced by his ways of taunting.
"I could ask the same to you." I smirked, I wasn't usually the one to speak up for myself, but it was compulsory as Johnny was nowhere to be seen.
"We've got a smart-ass, boys!" The tall boy pointed directly at me. Suddenly, I was flung against the wall, the same boy put both of his hands on either side of me.
This is it, Esme.
"Well, before you give us another smart-ass answer, I'm Matt."
The leader of the jocks interrupted.
"I'm Brian. I hope that hurt." He raised an eyebrow and began to clench his fists.
"What hurt?" I sighed.
My vision began to blur, I fell to the ground. Heart throbbing. Arms burning.
"What the fuck dude?" Yelled another jock at Brian.
"Is she okay?" Matt's voice echoed.
"Es?" A familiar voice shouted.
"Es?" He yelled again.

"ESME ALICIA SEWARD YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE!" Johnny shook my shoulders.
"I'm up, I'm up!" I grunted.
"What took you so long to wake up? Did the wittle pwincess get her beawty sweep?" He chuckled.
"It was the complete opposite of a beauty sleep if you ask me."
"What happened dude?" His eyes were filled with concern.
"The jocks. Again. Brian knocked me out."
"I don't blame you, they're assholes. They have no reason to pick on you." He paused. "Anyway, better get dressed for school Es."
He smiled and closed the door as he walked out of my room.
Today was going to be a long day.

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