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Lliana POV

Midterm is done, its been a long week since i did not meet the Travelers. I am exhausted and stressed with this excessive schoolworks, this not conclude all of my extracurriculars because of being a top student in the University. Even eating is hard for me to do.

I sigh and rub my eyes. I unlocked my phone and scrolled for a while, despite the fact that I have a class at eight a.m. yet i'm still awake to read.

After finishing to read the syllabus and drinking two liters of coffee, I'm getting ready for my four-hour nap. All of this is tiring, my body is now weaker than before. I miss communicating different souls, giving them chances to be freed. For now its dangerous for me to try going in the Astral Realm, possibly i could not get back into my own body and will be forever stock in the realm.

I lie down to my bed, trying to sleep while praying to have a good day. I start to close my eyes and began to sleep, enjoying the sound of trees and air.

I am peacefully sleeping, when suddenly i felt the eerie, its like someone is pulling me. I hear scratches, i hear whispers, i hear shouts. I feel the heat of my body, it all hurts. I fight the sensation, trying to shout for whats happening.

Suddenly, it stopped. I opened my eyes and get shocked. Im in the Astral Realm hearing the shouts of lost souls, seeing the light of arcadia, the darkness of inferno. Seeing my body lying in the bed feels new. I sat in the chair and watched my self peacefully sleeping.

This is the first time i travel to the Astral Realm in that way, probably its because of my tired and weakened body. While i am still thinking, i heard someone did knock into my room. I opened it without thinking who could possibly that person.

When i opened the door it started to shout, he attacked and trying to harmed me. Its a ghoul, a demonic type soul who is not freed for a long time ago. I manage to push the ghoul, i ran outside. Hearing the shout of the lost soul hurts me a lot. They dont have a choice, they are souls who needs help.

I continue to run, with whistle of the air joining my sweat all over my body. I stop and sigh. I cant harm my body, it is dangerous to fight a ghoul with my own, it could possibly killed my body and die.

With my shortened breath, i still manage to run again. Ghouls can easily catch me for sure.

Fuck. I murmured in the air. This is not the right time for this. How did my soul manage to travel in this state. Hearing the shout of ghoul make me stopped. I manage to hide in the back of the tree, i sat and make my breath back.

Now, i dont have a choice. I become the ghoul's target. And it will never stop following me, not until he eats my soul. I came out of my hiding place. Getting ready to fight the ghoul.

Ghoul starts to attack, by using the magma came from inferno. I slowly feels the heat of the magma. I know that my body will surely get bruised because of its attack. I get a branch of wood and starts to sway where the magma's going.

It totally help, i can now try to attack. I get the Arrow Stone and starts the spell.

" By the power of stone, i'm needing you. The help of lead and the arrow of bleed. Summoning this, as a weapon of me. Fighting the, creature of death. "

After saying the incantations, a archer's bow get out from the shine of the stone. I used the bow and start to attack the ghoul. It is hard to target the ghoul who can easily transported in any places.

Yet i still manage to hit the ghoul and make it injured. As for now i just run back to my bed to get back into my body. Again its dangerous to fight a ghoul by myself, and the stone will surely getting its enery into my life support.

When i arrived into my room. I saw the bruises surrounding my arms and legs. For now, i can not feel anything. Not until im back into my body.

Before going back to my body i casted a spell to the door.

" Astral Energy, who surrounds me. Make my wish, just like i plead. Make this door shut as locked. Never open, until im back. "

Hearing the sounds of cling is the sign that the spell worked. I sat in the floor and get rest. This is so stressful,its not what im expecting with the good day that i prayed.

I take deep breath and get up. Now im ready to get back to the Human World. I still have time to get my rest before going to school.

I lie down to my bed exactly how my body lies. And now readying to get up.

I closed my eyes, thinking that i can now get back. I take a deep breath and say the words.

" I am now get back to my realm, Ready to feel what i felt "

I hear a another cling sound, its surely worked. Little by little i opened my eyes, getting up and feels the wind coming from my windows. Yet it does not make any difference. The feel is still the same.

" Ba-bakit, nandidito pa rin ako?! Tangina " I shouted because of the frustrations that i feel.

I rub my face and starting to think why does it happen. Suddenly i hear a crushed sound. The spell i put in the door cant make any longer. Seeing the door that is now starting to have crack.

" Tanginang ghoul yan. You're not helping " I shouted.

Maybe i'm lack with confidence, or i cant back because my body is still weak. I plan to start it again. Doing and saying the same thing i did a while ago. Yet, nothings happen.

Continuously, i still hears the sounds of ghoul and the cracked door. Its not helping, it only give frustrations that im not needing. A water slightly pouring now from my eyes.

I am now crying. This is what im saying. Probably my body cant take me anymore. With the light hope i have i tried again. Repeating what i did a while ago.

Yet still nothing happens. I calmed myself before trying it again, but now the door crashed.

" Sh-shit! " I shouts once i saw the ghoul entering my room. I cried loudly, this scene makes me more weak.

While crying, I noticed something. It's a man's silhouette. The ghoul was suddenly hit by an ice rope. After being tied up, the ghoul yells loudly. I get shock when i saw the man,

" Sh-shit, Theo " i shout while crying

" Di ko alam na iyakin ka, Lliana? " Theo said while laughing secretly.

I run and hugged him. Di naman niya ito binigo at yinakap rin ako pabalik.

" Shh-shh, Stop crying. " saad ni theo habang tinatapik ang likod.

While hugging Theo, i saw people who goes inside my room.

" Aba-aba, baka nakakalimutan mo kami Llia?? " saad ni Damian

" Ggg-gago, Why you'll are here?! " gulat na saad ko sa kanila.

" We are Travelers, Llia. We are One. " saad naman muli ni Theo.

I am surprised by this sudden reunion. I am happy, yet I am still worried because of what is happening to me. I ran and hugged them. We are one. We are Travelers. The Adventurers of Astral. The Soul of Souls and Death. TRAVELERS.


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