Chapter 6: Year Three

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3 Weeks Later

"Rise and Shine sleepy heads! We have quidditch practice!" Katerina yelled at George and Fred while throwing open the boys curtains to let the light in. Fred begrudgingly rolled out of his bed and stumbled into the bathroom only to immediately turn around looking a bit green. Katerina walked over to the bathroom to see what Fred was so grossed out by and found George hunched over the toilet projectile vomiting straight into the bowl.

"Fred, go fetch Madam Pomfrey."
"Lee, can you go get George some water and biscuits."
"Sure, I'll be right back."

After Fred and Lee left, Kat went back into the bathroom where George sat on the floor waiting for the next wave of nausea.

"Hey George, what happened?"
"I'm not sure, I woke up around 5 and my stomach really hurt, I've been sitting here throwing up non stop since then."
"I'm sorry dude, Fred is getting Madam Pompfrey, and Lee is getting water and biscuits."

After about 5 minutes Lee rushes into the room carrying water and biscuits, following Lee were Fred and Madam Pompfrey. Madam Pompfrey quickly shooed everyone out of the bathroom while she treated George. According to Madam Pompfrey, George had caught a stomach bug and she wasn't able to cure it because it was a non-magical related illness. Katerina pulled Madam Pompfrey to the side and volunteered to take care of George because Madam Pompfrey was dealing with a lot of sick students at the moment.

After getting permission from Dumbledore, Kat was allowed to skip study hall to take care of George and bring him his homework. Katerina spent the better part of her week feeding George, sitting in the bathroom with him while he threw up, and bringing him his homework. 5 days later George was finally better and allowed to go to class and Quidditch Practice.

Katerina was starting to feel a little worn out from all she had done that week so she went down to the common room around midnight when she knew everyone would be asleep, and cracked a window. Just as Kat lit up her cigarette she heard someone clearing their throat behind her, it was Lee, holding an unlit cigarette. Being raised in the muggle world Lee had obviously known she would have a lighter on her so he asked for a light. After taking a slow inhale, Kat finally asked Lee what he was doing downstairs.

"Lee, what's wrong? Normally you're asleep by now."
"I've just had a lot on my mind lately and it feels like I'm all alone."
"Lee, you're one of my best friends, you can tell me anything."
"You wouldn't like me anymore. I can't lose you Kat, you're my best friend."
"Even if you were a mass murderer I would still be on your side. You can trust me."
"Kat- I think I like boys... I think im gay."

Lee was gay. That's what he was scared of her hating him over. Looking at him all she could feel was love for her best friend, she didn't care who he loved or who he didn't. He was Lee, he was her best friend,  and that's all that mattered. She threw her arms around Lee and gave him the biggest hug humanly possible. She told him that she didn't care, she told him he was her best friend and nothing would ever change that. The two sat in comfortable silence until they both finished their cigarettes and Lee finished crying.

She walked Lee to his dormitory and said goodbye, as she turned around she noticed a bunch of light flooding through the cracks in Ron and Harry's door. Quietly walking over to the door she heard voices loudly talking and laughing. If it hadn't been a school night she would've left them alone, but since tomorrow was a Wednesday she decided to make them go to bed. She grabbed the handle to the door and opened it before walking in with her disappointed mom face on. She thought maybe she would find Ron and Harry being dumb prepubescent boys but, what she didn't expect was for Hermione, Ron, Harry, Neville, Seamus, and Dean to be sitting in a circle on the floor playing shag or pass. When they finally noticed her standing in the doorway they shut up pretty fast.

"Hermione. Go back to your room now." She said in a stern voice before turning to the boys.
"What in merlin's bloody balls are you five doing awake at two in the fucking morning?"
"Harry, Ron, I expected better of you, go to bed."
"But Ka-" Ron whined in his squeaky little voice before she cut him off,
"No buts Ronald, go to bed now! Lights out and I will know if you don't go to bed."
"Sorry Kat." The five boys mumbled before crawling into bed and turning off the lights.

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