I am cold.

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Katsuki had always been cold.

Since he could remember he had always worn layer over layer over layer to escape from that numbing freezing chill. It was better in Summer, just a hoodie would suffice, but when winter came it didn't matter how many clothes he had on, he could still feel the season in his bones. And the worst of all were the winter nights, when he would just turn about 3 to 5 heaters in his bedroom, cover himself with a couple of blankets and still feel how the shivers robbed him of many hours of sleep.

But it wasn't always like that. When Katsuki thinks of his childhood, he remembers warm nights, with uninterrupted sleep and full of sweet dreams. When did they disappear? How could he get those back? Hell knows how much he needed at least just one night in which he could rest fully, especially since in the winter is when they do all of their hero studies and training camps...

But all of his questions were answered one night in one of those training camps.

1A were done with their activities planned for the day and were told to get some rest in their tents. Yes, tents. Aizawa had the magnificent idea to turn their winter training camp into a literal camping, and so, 1A had divided into pairs to sleep in tents.

It hadn't been that long since Katsuki and Izuku had fought and made up, so even if they were on good terms now, things were still awkward between them. Their classmates, ever so nosy, had trapped them into staying in the same tent to spend more time together and hopefully resolve everything once and for all.

"Great" our Kacchan thought. Not only he'd have to sleep in a tent in the middle of the forest inside of a flimsy sleeping bag and with no heating whatsoever, but he'd also have to deal with the annoying awkwardness.

"Kacchan" Izuku whispered at some point into the night. "Kacchan... are you okay?".

Katsuki was lying with his back facing the greenette, but when he heard the voice, he lifted his head to look over his shoulder with a frown.

"Did I wake you up?" Izuku looked guilty at just the thought of it, and Katsuki didn't have the heart to lie and make him feel worse. He sighed and turned around to lie on his side, facing him.

"No, I wasn't asleep yet" his voice came out more shaky than he had intended to and it reflected in Izuku's worried stare. The boy scooted closer.

"Are you feeling sick? I could see you trembling nonstop and now even your voice sounds weird. Do you have a fever?" he placed a hand on his forehead to check.

"It's none of..." but there it was. That warm feeling belonging to the nights of his memories. That comforting touch that urged him to close his eyes and let his consciousness drift away. That  alluring tenderness that pulled him into somewhere he'd dare call home.

His hand flew outside of the sleeping bag, but he didn't feel the cold greeting his limb, in fact, when his hand grabbed Izuku's and he placed them both on his cheek he only felt more of that pleasant warmth.

"I'm cold" it was nothing but a soft whisper into the cold night, but Izuku heard it.

Without a word, he came out of his sleeping bag and placed it on top of Katsuki as an extra blanket, then he told Katsuki to scoot over and slipped into his sleeping bag. They had to squeeze to fit both inside of it, but none of the two cared about that as they let their consciousness slip away.

The next morning 1A had already been up and about for about an hour when somebody pointed out that the two major problem children were missing. They all went to their tent, and when they peeked inside they could only see Izuku. Not only was that weird, but why was there only one sleeping bag inside the tent?

However, when they looked closer they could see some blonde spiking hair coming from under the blanket. They shared a questioning look before pulling it out of the way and there Katsuki was, cuddled up against Izuku's side, with his head on his chest and hugging his waist.

1A shared the same thought when they closed the door of the tent and went back to the picnic tables to continue their breakfast. They'd tell Aizawa that the two boys were sick and will join the training a bit later. For sure their teacher would understand. 


If you just stumbled upon this and don't know who I am, go check my YouTube channel @KodaBestBoy. I make bnha texting stories, mostly BakuDeku/DekuBaku!

This was inspired in the picture of the cover, and it was written as I waited for one of my videos to post, so if you feel it rushed it's because of that lolol.

Still, I hope you liked it, becaused they are such cuties and they deserve all the love.

Are you cold? - BakuDeku / DekuBaku One-shotWhere stories live. Discover now