021 ˢᵘᵍᵃʳʰⁱˡˡᵈᵈᵒᵗ

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7:08pm, 2023

I was scared to say the least, because before I came here I smoked. I shouldn't have but I did, and then some how after I did I ended up in my brothers car.

And then, I was driving and for some reason ended up here. And now I don't know what to do, i'm shaking like crazy, i'm crying, and i'm being way to emotional.

I look and feel like a crack head, I mean I came over here in some damn boxers and a hoodie. I don't even know what I was thinking when I went in my brothers room and took his weed.

But since I did, i'm now sitting down waiting to tell three people that just walked into my life and decided to be so great to the point where i'm telling them my actual life story.

I'm being so fucking dramatic and I hate it, I sound like a white girl from those cliche romance books.

When I hear, footsteps I look up to find Dd, Notti, and Ddot standing in front of me. So without saying a word I motion them to sit down.

"Well for starters what i'm about to tell you is most likely going to change your view point of me, so the whole time i'm talking I don't want you to say anything and just let me get through the story. And after i'm done i'm most likely going to walk out that door and try to avoid you for the rest of my life because I myself am very embarrassed of my past life"I start looking at the three of them, and they all nod.

"Ok well i'm going to start with im addicted to weed and I have been since I was 14. So when I was 14, I met got mixed up with these three guys that were 'OGZ', and they seemed cool so I became close with them. So one day, they had invited me to a party, and at this party I met a guy named Daeshon. And he had happened to be a dealer, so he had tried selling me weed and that's when I told him i've never tried it."I take a deep breath remember that night.

"So he let me have a hit for free, and I ended up liking it so after that we were smoking together and that had been my first day getting high. So fast forward three weeks, I now am friends with Daeshon and he's also now my consistent weed dealer. So one day when I was hanging out with Daeshon, we were so high we kissed. And that same night he asked me to be his girlfriend, and I said yes"I fight back the tears as I continue.

"So fast foward one year, me and Daeshon were still dating and we were happy together. At least that's what I thought back then, but in reality I was just happy that he was selling me weed. So um along the road of our relationship I got addicted, and by that I mean when I didn't have it I would go crazy. But eventually, Dudeylo noticed my sudden mood swings and he grounded me from seeing Daeshon. And from pretty much everything except school. But two months later I got ungrounded, and the first thing I did was text Daeshon that I got grounded"I close my eyes for a brief moment when I feel tears surfacing.

"So that same day I had went over to his house, and he was smoking and tried to get me to smoke as well. But I refused and told him I don't do that anymore, he then basically tried to tell me he missed the old me and said I used to be or whatever. So suddenly he was trying to get physical and tried choking me, I had ended up punching him across the face and telling him to fuck off. And then he retaliated by putting a gun to my head, and basically after the cops were called and he got locked up..until now"I swallow looking over to Ddot seeing that he's putting two and two together.

"So about a week ago he showed up again and had threatened to finish what we started...as in kill me. And if it wasn't for Ddot coming at the time he did I most likely would be dead right about now"I finish before looking at the three of them, all of there expressions were in readable.

"You guys can talk now"I say wanting to know what they had to say before storming out like I planned to before I explained the story.

"We don't look at you differently"Notti says first causing Dd to nod in agreement, "Right and we're sorry if made you feel like that or something"Dd adds.

When I look over to Ddot he stays quiet, "Well looks like someone doesn't agree with the two of you"I say before getting up.

"Kylah wait. Dd, Notti I need to talk to Kylah alone for a second"He motions for them to go upstairs.

"Ight ma heart. Kylah text me later don't do that avoiding shit"Notti says before hugging me. Dd does the same before also saying something, "You can facetime me cause you know ion be texting like that".

After that, they both leave and I mentally prepare myself for the one on one conversation i'm about to have with Ddot.

"Ok what do you want to talk about"I sit down next to him taking a sucking in a breath when he grabs my hand.

"I don't like how we left things earlier, you didn't let me talk"He looks at me with an unreadable expression.

"I know and i'm sorry for that, but I knew what you were gonna say. And frankly I think that it would be a bunch of bullshit. I mean what we're going to do? Give me the 'I like you but not like that and I want to stay friends' speech. Do you really think I want to here that rejection?"I rant running a hand through my hair.

"No what I was gonna say, is that I like you to"He says catching me completely off guard.

He fucking likes me?!

"Wait what"I think out loud without realizing it, "Yes and if you didn't kick me out earlier you would have known"He stands up.

I stand up as still shocked that he likes me back, and just as I think he's about just walk away he grabs the back of my neck and pulls me in for a kiss.

He fucking kisses me, and I kiss back.

His lips were soft, softer than I expected and the kiss was very passionate and it made me feel like no one else was on earth but us. Suddenly, I feel his hands travel down to my wait bringing me closer to his body.

As he rubs on a small area of my waist, I snake my arms around his neck deepening the kiss.

I wanted more.

It's like I couldn't stop, his lips were addicting. It was like they were pulling me closer and I couldn't help but do so.

My heart rate increases when he starts walking me to the couch, laying me down before getting in top of me and bringing our lips back together.

I don't know what washed over me as I suddenly got bold and flipped us over to where now I was on top of him.

I kiss him even harder to where now the kiss was more then just passionate.

"Fuck"He pulls away catching his breath, and I do the same before looking at him to see any signs of regret.

But there were none.

"Darrian"He looks up into my eyes making me practically melt and want to kiss him again. But I fight myself, because I don't want things to get taken out of proportion.

"What did that kiss mean"I move to get off of his lap, because I won't be able to have a serious conversation in that position.

"I don't know"


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