ʚChapter 1 (Chan's birth) ɞ

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"Congratulations! It's a Girl!" "She's Beautiful, I'll name her 'Chan'"
And that's how I can to be, let me tell you a little secret were not as perfect. As we may seem. Although mom is pretty nice but after. Dad got a Divorce with mom because he loved another women. And although I do get to see mom every once and awhile. It's not the same and my older brother moved in with mom, so I'm stuck with my abusive dad and step-mom.

I'm only 13, and I also got a step-brother named Noah. He's 16, and he's like the spoiled brat. And your Probably thinking "Well Chan he's 16 and your 13 how does that work?????" well he was 3 when I was born. Anyway- "CHAN COME HERE NOW" yelled my ugly step-mom. "OK I'M COMING" I screamed running downstairs. "Finally, It took you long enough", "Well I'm sorry I was talking to my Therapist" "well it's your first day so go get ready" "Okk" I went upstairs to get ready.

I put on my pink dress want my hair in pigtails. With a pink ribbon, and added pink boots with a tied pink ribbon and with ballet bottoms. that go up until my Knees. "HURRY UP!", "I KNOW I'M COMING" I yelled. I went down the stairs AGAIN, and ran inside the bus "Hey girl, you made it right on time" Said a strange figure. "I'm Elizabeth, But you can call me Beth". Said the woman Dressed in a green vintage dress.

And the braids competing her gorgeous red hair. With green eyes, along with freckles covering her face like a mask. "I'm Chan" I said in a calming way. "Follow Me!" Beth said, grasping my hand and pulling me into the back of the bus as long with another girl. She had long thick hair as dark as a Raven, and dead eyes. She dressed like a emo kid would, if someone told them that there quote on quote faking it. Meaning: she was wear a black hoodie,and long black baggy sweatpants.

"This Is Rose" Beth told me, as we sat down next to each other. "Hello, I'm Chan" I said, putting out my hand expecting a handshake. But instead I got a cold eye stare. With a chill going down my spine. As she look back to her phone, Beth told me that she'll warm up to me. I hope at least she'd like me. But as all I can tell she doesn't like me not even as a friend. I went to sit next the Beth. And talk about stuff. That we may have incommon. In fact we have a lot of things income. Such as; We both like writing books, and we both love vintage clothes, and we love sushi. As we talked about a random manga, I start to realize that Rose have been eyeing me the entire time. "Hello!" I said, trying to grasp her attention. "...", still no answer. Whatever, I thought to myself.
The bus stopped and we arrived at school. Everyone was getting off the bus and entering the school. My first period of the day, drama. I told myself in my head. "Hey, girl what class are you going to?" Elizabeth ask walk alongside me, "drama," I responded. "Oh, rose has drama too!" Elizabeth to me in a happy mood. "That, cool?" I said with confusion, "I guess I'll see you at lunch," I continued walking to my drama class. When I arrived, I was looking

Around the room for rose. But she was nowhere to be seen, "good morning," said my drama teacher walking in, "we have two new students today," she said, we'll rose finally entered the room. The drama teacher walked over, to me and rose just standing there looking for area to sit in. The teacher ended up introducing us, and it was kinda embarrassing (another time skip bc why not? ✌). After all the annoying classes it was lunch. Beth, Rose, and I. Sat together, Chatting,We were talking about how school was so far. To new people rose seems antisocial, but she ended up being really nice." Beth said it was impressive for rose to warm up to someone so quickly. "Eh?, really?" I asked. "To be honest. Yeah." beth said as she chewed her food. Rosewalk to are table and sat down. She put her legs on the table and ate. Me and beth were staring at her. "What?" rose asked as she looked at us. "You seem um.. pissied off" Beth started. "Can I ask why?". "Some stuid annoying kid in my math, who won't shut the fuck up" rose responded.

"Who?" I asked. "Some kid named AnGiE" Rose said. "Angie?, I have her in my English class" I said. "Angie le?" "yes, Angie le".

More coming soon..

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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