1. Abandoned

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Snow was starting to fall in the neighborhood - it was the middle of the winter season. Yet in this cold weather, the shouts of a human echoed through the entired neighborhood.

"Go away! All you do is laze around and steal food!" Said a very Rich businessman, "I don't need such a useless dog!"

Bruno the Labrador dog was listening to his master's words that were criticising him, bowing his head.
"When did I steal food?" Bruno thought in his mind, "And also what about all the work he made me do thrice a day? I had to take care that no sparrow or bird made this man's car dirty. I had to watch the gatekeepers and bark at them if they wouldn't do their job well. I had to take care and play with his child when this man and his wife weren't in the house! What else does he need?"

The businessman started throwing trash cans and his garbage at the dog. "Go away you dimwit!"

Bruno immediately left and started wandering on the street. He was thinking how he was going to survive in this cold weather. Moreover, How would he get food? He never ate the food of the dustbins and garbage areas like the stray dogs.

"Cruel humans." Bruno thought, "Why did you buy me when you drove me out of your house? I was better off in the pet store!"

Pet store?

"Yes! I can go to that petshop again! They will probably understand my condition!" Bruno said happily.

So he started making his way to the pet shop. "THE ROYAL PETS" was the big sign which he was looking for - it was the pet shop he previously belonged to.

He continued walking for quite a long time. Then he saw some buildings. They were familiar to him. "I guess I'm there!" Bruno said being happy and excited. He went on. Looking here and there for a few minutes, he found it. He found the big sign "THE ROYAL PETS" above the pet shop.
Bruno was very happy and had hope that they would take him again.

He entered the shop.

But on entering, he found nothing familiar. There were barely any workers left, and the ones left were gambling. Many parts of the shop were broken and needed to be repaired. Of course, it had been 5 or 6 years since he left this shop with the man.
There were no animals, although 6 years ago, there were many friendly animals - rabbits, cats, a husky dog (which was his best friend), and much more.

"I won't go in there," and saying this, Bruno started to leave the place.

Soon it was night time. Snow may have stopped, but it was very cold. Bruno was asking some strangers to take him but no one was ready to do it. "Sorry my mother doesn't like animals", "I don't have much money so I can't take good care of you", "Sorry I don't like dogs. I'm sure someone will take you." - were some of the excuses they gave.

The street was soon deserted. Surely it was late and everyone were either having dinner, or about to sleep. Bruno wished he had food for dinner. He remembered the food he ate at the Rich man's house.
"I think I can do without food for a night." He thought and decided to sleep.

But, where would he sleep? It was cold outside. He feared that he would die in the cold.
He kept searching for a place to sleep.

After sometime, Bruno found a public washroom.
"I can sleep there. Nobody comes here this late. I won't be disturbed."
He went inside the washroom and very fortunately, it's previous users haven't drenched the floor with water. The floor was completely dry.
Bruno curled up himself and tried to sleep.

Morning came. Bruno woke up. He left the washroom and was searching for food.
"Maybe I'll have to eat the food in the bins. At least I can live that way," He thought.

He was looking for a garbage area - and also found one soon, since there was no shortage of garbage from the humans.
When he made his way to the place.
He saw a crow. It was chewing something - something probably from the pin.

"Did his owner also drive him out? Wait, does anyone keeps crows as pets?" Bruno was confused whether he should go to the bin, for if he made the crow afraid, he would disturb the crow who was eating peacefully.

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