𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭

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Sam tries for normalcy now that he's back, but it's hard to get into a routine when there's nothing for him to live for. The threat of the Volturi is gone--everyone but Aro was killed by Sage's flames--so there's nothing for the wolves to do unless there's an occasional patrol.

He tries going back to work, but they say he isn't ready--to take all the time he needs. It's unnecessary, but Sam relents, worn and tired.

Most days, he stays in bed.

He doesn't return to the Cullens' house.

If he were to venture over there, it would be to murder the entire coven for harboring the very person who killed Sage. They try reaching out with their concerns, but Sam doesn't want to hear any of them unless it's to tell him that they're giving the leech up.

Seth comes over on a Tuesday, Leah in tow.

Seth gives Sam a hug, Leah a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm sorry," Leah whispers into his ear, caressing his jaw. "I really am."

Seth's eyes are rimmed red, eyes swollen. His hair, though growing and to his shoulder, is knotted like he hasn't been taking care of it. Sam frowns.

"It's not--you don't need to apologize, Leah."

He doesn't really know what else to say. Mostly, Sam's worried about Seth and the way he's carrying himself. Sam places a hand on Seth's shoulder, and it feels like he's watching the white wolf in muted colors, howling at the night sky as they grieved.

"You look like you need to rest, Seth," Sam says softly.

Seth shakes his head. "I'm-- It's okay. I. . . I took a nap earlier."

A lie if Sam's heard one. Sam bites his lips, glances at Leah. Her eyes are helpless, and he realizes this visit wasn't to check on him. No, it was for Sam to help Seth.

He wracks his brain for what he did, what he does and thinks about sleep. But no--he glances at Seth again. Seth is different from him, doesn't like to be numb and hazy in his loss, would rather distract himself. He did the same thing when his father passed away.

There was one thing Seth did love, and that was running. So, Sam claps his shoulder, and says, "I've been feeling antsy lately. Want to go patrol?"

And Seth's eyes don't light up, but he looks livelier. He nods.

Sam almost grins.

Leah waves them off, promises to make them something for when they return, and Sam chases Seth into the woods, the shift as natural as breathing.

𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐧 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬. sam uleyWhere stories live. Discover now