The Beginning

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Once there were four sisters. No, four goddesses. Four beings, alone. In the expanse of Eridani Ara. Eridani Ara, their solar system. They watched as their cousins shaped the worlds around them. Planet after planet, world after world, came to be before their eyes. Ciecury. Lleria. Nagua, the smallest, with its ring. Vudea, the largest, and all its moons. Eitreyar. Strillon. The sisters waited on their planet, a small mass of rock called Solla. There was no life on Solla yet. It was a blank canvas on which no one had been allowed to create.

That was, no one had been allowed to create until that day. No, that moment. For days have no meaning to the gods. But one moment, it could have been a minute, or a millennium, but it was in that moment when the Grandmother, who presided in the sun, known also as the star Eiram, gave the eldest sister license to create.

Ihuna, for that was her name, was the eldest, and the most learned in the art of creation. She had been taught for all her life, prepared for this moment, preparing for when she was ready. Ihuna approached the bare expanse that was Solla. Gently, as a sculptor holds a ball of clay, she took the world in her hands, and with her skilled fingers, created swelling oceans, radiant mountains, and sunkissed prairies. She created roasting deserts, towering cliffs, and forest that stretched as far as the eye could see. Gracefully skilled, she coaxed rivers from stone, and plants from the soil that covered the world. Graced by the light of the Grandmother, the world was warm and beautiful and full. But even amidst its splendor, it felt empty.

Before long, Thina, the second sister, was ready. Inspired by her sister's creations, she brought forth a race of beings into the wide, welcoming lands of Solla. These creatures were called the Vierben, and they roamed the world on four legs, on two legs, with wings or with fins, and each found the corner of the world in which they belonged. They lived in peace, and no creature hurt or hungered, for they had everything they needed. They loved their Mother, who walked with them often, and cherished their Aunt, Ihuna, who saw to their every need and kept them safe and warm in the world.

Next came Theies. She was the most intelligent of the sisters, and her skill was proven when she created the Idir. Half-person, half-Vierben, the Idir possessed a fluid form and could change between forms with no second thought. The Idir, being half Vierben, were still very close to their Aunt Ihuna, and revered her, showing infinite gratitude for her blessing. They were cousins to the Vierben, and lived in harmony, sustaining themselves off of plants as they were guided to do by their Aunts and their Mother, Theies. This was called the Old World, and everywhere was wonderful and warm and teeming with life.

But the youngest sister, Iona, grew impatient.

(To be continued)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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