A normal day

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A golden streak could be seen dashing over the rooftops across the lower districts, winding through alleyways and up fire escapes to reach roofs to high or far a  jump. Any woops or sounds of joy would be disregarded and put off as "its just the wind" from how fast the streak is going.

.................Tommy's pov....................

I run as fast as I can, loving the feeling of wind through my hair, flipping it up as if it would make me fly at any moment. The freedom of the lower districts having barely any heroes patrol,  but plenty of villians, was also feeding into my joy even more, making it easier to enjoy patrol later at night when i can't sleep. Off to my right, I hear a scream, making me jump, having not expected too much to happen tonight because it's a Sunday, people have work tomorrow, and early! Can people not be respectful, geez! Immediately, I send a ping to tubbo, who goes as sting on the field, so he knows I'm going into action.I quickly make my way to where I heard it. As I drop down into the alleyway I see a big burly man with bright pink hair and a golden crown pushing a lanky tall, but not bigger, man into the wall harshly, the mans brown curls bounce from the red beany that fell off his head from the rough treatment the bigger man was giving him.
"Hey, bi*ch! Why don't you fight someone closer to your size instead of being a pu*sy!" The man looks over at me and starts walking towards me, I don't move, but I get my baton ready to strike at any moment. Before the man got close enough to touch me, I felt a prick in my neck. I suddenly felt very drowsy. something in my head had become very insistent that I sleep.The voice didn't sound like mine, but it sounded familiar somehow.
The voice was angelic. It was like honey, slow and sweet. It made me really want to take a nap, but I had to fight! I just had to stay awake for a bit longer, then I can go back to my shit*y apartment and take a nap! "Fu*k'n he*l, 'ats 'appenen'?" I ask out loud, to no one in general, my accent becoming thicker as I get more tired.
The cool night breeze didn't help, it was like it was trying to help lull me to sleep faster, it whipped around me quietly, it was cool, but also warm enough to make it nice and calming. Something sweet made its way to my nose from the wind. It spelt like a meadow after rain, of sweet smelling flowers that would glow in the sun, of freshly rained on grass, that would be soft to sleep on in the sun that would beat down perfectly. Making it just warn enough to take a good nap in.

"Oh, it's ok, mate, you can take a nap, you're safe!" "I hear someone, with a very familiar voice, say. "I-i 'ave to fight still, though, I have to help the dude and stop other crimes!" I whine, trying so hard not to fall asleep in the arms of the bigger man, who is impossible warm.

Suddenly, I hear a chuff come from the person holding me. Being too tired to stop instincts, I gave a little chitter and then tried to stop any other noises from leaving my mouth.
I heard someone take a sharp breath and heard a soft, careful chirp. My instics instantly replied to the chirp with a squeak. My eyelids feel incredible heavier by now, and at this point, my instincts were screaming at me that we're safe and we can sleep. My eyes begin to drift shut, and this time, I don't stop them.
*maybe I could just take a nap, only for a bit because I still need to fight!* I start to close my eyes, letting my thoughts win me over, I didn't register the man that was gently holding me in his arms start walking, but also petting my hair and letting out chuffs and grunts of approval at the feel of it. Distantly I think, *when did he pick me up, oh well he's warm so it's ok, but I still have to fight him!* and finally, I drifted off to sleep, giving in to the drugs and slumber.


Hey, this is my first fic and u know I'm late to join the vigilante fic trend but I wanted to try it out and see what happens, please give me any feedback and don't be scared to be a little mean! Have a good night/day/evening! And please tell me if you think I should try for another chapter! You think I should (if I continue) do the next chapter in one of the other sbi member's povs, or should I keep the pov as tommys only?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01 ⏰

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