a magical mystery ride

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I sighed as I walked around a corner, I had just finished a set with my co-workers and we had plans to go out after, but I lost them in a crowd and now I'm lost...I think.

"Oof, oh!" I said as I bumped into someone, they nearly fell to the ground, but I caught the girl and spun her back into a standing position.

"Woah!" She looked up and I froze, you know that part in that twilight movie where that guy explains imprinting? Yeah? Well that's how I feel right now and I'm not even a shapeshifter, at least I hope not. "I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going."

"Oh, don't worry, I wasn't either, it's no problem and besides no one got hurt, so we're good."

"Your new here aren't you?" I let a nervous chuckle and tilted my head.

"How could you tell?"

"Oh I could never forget a face like yours." We laughed after a second she held out her hand.

"I'm Alex."

"Huh, that's funny, I'm Robert Alexander III, but you can call me Moose." I said as I held up my fist, and she shocked me by blowing it up and pulling it back wiggling her fingers. "Uh..."

"Sorry, I uh do things like that instinctively."

"That's really cool."

"Thanks." Where looked at each other for bit before her phone went off. "Uh, I got to go, but I'll see you around, okay?"

"Yeah, absolutely!" I said with a smile as she started to leave.

"Bye, Moose!"

"Bye, Alex!" And then she was gone, I shook my head as grin grew on my face. "Oh god, I'm a goner..."

"Moose! There you are, I was worried you'd gotten lost." Camille, my newly made, bestest friend in the whole wide world, said as she wrapped her arm around mine and lead us to the others.

"You have no idea..." I mumbled as we reached them.

"What's that?" Andie asked, shit I didn't think she'd hear that.

"Hm, what? Oh, nothing, just mumbling to myself, sorry."

"It's all good, don't worry about it." That was Andie for you, if you didn't want to talk about something, she'd see that and leave you alone.

She was graduating this year, Camille and are next year. I'm gonna miss her, she was my first actual friend, now she's like a sister to me and she's going of to some dance tour thing.

I didn't want her to go, but I mean we've only known each other for a year and I'm the only one who hasn't told her to go for it. Mainly because she hasn't asked what I think, but also because I feel like of she does ask, then I'll be forced to say. Go, live your dream, I'll be okay.

Truth is, she's the first person ever to help understand what it feels like to have a sibling, losing that now...I-I'm not sure I'll be okay for long time. Hey, I'm a guy. Since when to people care about how guys feel, right?

"Moosie?" I looked over at Andie.


"You okay?" I gave a small smile and nodded before moving to talk to Cable. Not even a minute into our conversation Andie came dragged me to a more private area. "Now, are you gonna tell me what's wrong? Or am I gonna have to try and tickle it out of you?"

"What do you, Andie?" I said as I fiddled with my fingers and gave her a 'don't be ridiculous' look. "I'm fine-"

"Come on, Moose! You know you can tell me anything, right?" Stop knowing me so well. I nodded and shrugged.

"I don't know what to tell-"


"I don't want you to leave, okay?" I blurted out looking at my feet. "There I said it, can I go now."

"What do you mean you don't want me to leave?" She grabbed my shoulder gently and sat us down. "Moose, I'm not going anywhere."

"Yeah, you are, you're going on that tour."

"I thought you were happy about that." I gave her and incredulous look and shook my head.

"I'm happy that you're happy that you get to go on tour, I'm not happy that none us get to go with you." Andie sighed and looked to floor, I groaned.

"See this is why I didn't want to tell you, because this is a dream of your and we shouldn't be holding you back."

"You aren't holding me back, none of you are. Does anyone else feel like this?" And this is where I panic, because no. It's just me."

Everyone else has dreams of their own of going on tour and being a bad ass. But me, my dream was just to dance with people I cared about. And to have more bonding time with my ment to be sister. I know I can't take this from her. It wouldn't be fair, and, as I said before, I'll get over it eventually.

"It doesn't matter, all that matters is that you have a dream, and after you graduate, that dream will be a reality, so I don't want you to worry about how we're going to feel when you leave." I said as started being silly after standing up, she laughed. "We just want you to spend the time you have, living your best life, well as best as it can get before graduation anyway."

"Moose, thank you. Really, it's means a lot." Don't I know it.

"It's whatever." I said with a smirk.

"Whatever." We laughed and walked back to the crew and I pretented like my life wasn't going to suck next year.

A/N: I honestly have no idea where I'm going with this, but it's a one shot...for now. If someone wants to expand it, just let me know in the comments and I'll try and send it to your account. Or whatever, just credit me when you're done, okay?

Also should Moose get together with Alex while he's in Waverley Place with his crew? Or should he just be friends with her because he's obviously gonna end up with Camille later?

P.s. this chapter is not done yet. Sorry.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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