Chapter 1: Knuckle Sandwiches

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I could feel the bones in his jaw crunch as my fist connected with his face. Warm, slick blood slid down my face from where he'd punched my nose before hand.

"Who the hell are you calling a faggot asshole!?" I barked, as my fist once again gave his face a painful greeting. His pained grunts and filthy language (not that I could really say anything) only spurred my attack on. As his face became more swollen and bruised then before, I felt two strong arms wrap around my chest and I was dragged of the annoying, slightly bloody biggot who had called me a cock sucking faggot.

"Randall calm the Fuck down!" an angry, deep voice growled in my ear, "He ain't worth it!" As my brother dragged me off him, the now bruised and bloody boy fled before I could feed him any more knuckle sandwiches.I turned to glare at Seb. "Why the fuck did you stop me?!" I growled back at him. He then proceeded to pop me in the mouth and hiss, "Don't you ever cuss at me again." I rubbed my mouth with the back of my hand and continued to match Sebastian's glare, but I did not apologize.

"Come on," he said, letting me go, "Let's go get you cleaned up." I rolled my eyes and followed him towards the nurse's office.

"He called me a faggot you know," I mumbled and crossed my arms. I could feel the scowl on my face growing.

"I know, and believe me I wanted to bust his face in more than you did, but I'd rather that neither of us got suspended," he said looking over his shoulder. He sighed and turned forward again.

"Look," he started, "I know these guys piss you off, but you just can't start wailing on them. You gott be the bigger man and just ignore them."

"Hard to be the bigger man when you're five-five and they're six feet," I muttered.

"Randall." Seb warned.

"Sorry, it's just that i can't stand them and they think I'm weak and that they can just push me around, and besides I didn't even start this one, he did!" I defended, "I tried to ignore him, but he just got angrier. Then he grabbed me and shook me and I might have said something about his ugly mug, and that's when he punched me and called me a little bitch." I had been so immersed in my story, that i hadn't noticed that Sebastian had stopped and walked right into his back. I backed up and noticed that his shoulders were tense and his hands were clenched into fists. He then whirled around and grabbed me by my shoulders.

"Did he do or say anything else?" he asked, his voice slightly shaky from his barely contained fury. I looked into his eyes and saw them ablaze with the fresh fire of vengeance and I knew he was out for blood.

I felt proud that my knight of a brother was about to defend my honor, but I'd rather be extremely insulted than have my brother behind bars and charged for first degree murder. He looked ready to kill that bastard, but I didn't think "psychopath" was a good look for him.

"Hey, hey! What happened to being the bigger man?" I questioned, "You know Dad'll kick your ass if you kill this kid."

"I'm not going to kill him," he replied with a strained smile, "We're just gonna have a friendly chat about messing with certain people's brothers."

"Yeah, and your 'friendly chats'," I said making air quotations with my fingers, "are more like 'friendly maimings'." He narrowed his eyes at me, but I stood my ground. I never backed away from a glare off. I sighed.

"Look, if you wanna kick this guys ass, fine. I already beat his face in plenty, but I want him to look somewhat decent," I told him, "I'd rather not keep this dried blood on my face, so why don't we go to the nurse so I can get cleaned up and after you can beat him as much as you want." He growled. Most likely, because he knew I had a point, which did not happen often. His shoulders finally relaxed and he took a couple of deep breaths. He looked at me.

"Fine, come on then," he said, sounding a bit exasperated. I gave him a smile and grabbed his arm to drag him the rest of the way to the nurse's office.

I threw open the door to the nurse's startling him in the process. He took one look at me and gave me one of the best bitch faces I'd ever seen.

"What the hell happened this time?" he grunted.

"Tisk, tisk," I replied, "Such language is unbecoming of a man of your status."

"Oh, please. You curse worse than a sailor. Now come here so I can take a look at your nose," he said. I trotted over to a chair nearby and sat down. Nurse Harrison, who I called Nurse Harry, became well acquainted with me after my many visits to his office. I was kinda like a regular costumer at a coffee shop, except it was a school nurse's office and my nose had had a makeout session with someone's fist. Nurse Harry was examining my nose whilst Sebastian glared at me from the corner of the room. Honestly, I couldn't tell if he was still mad at me or the bastard who had punched me in the face. Whichever it was, I hoped he didn't do anything to cause permanent damage.

"Well your nose isn't broken," said Harry pulling me from my thoughts, "but I would avoid getting punched in the face again until the swelling goes down."

"So, if I want to punch him in the face, steer clear of the nose, right?" Seb asked.

"Yup, that's correct. Just do it when you get home so I don't have to deal with him again," Nurse Harry replied while gesturing to me. Seb nodded seriously. I looked over Harry's shoulder and smiled sweetly at him.

"You're not really gonna punch me in the face, right?" I questioned with a smile, because I really didn't need to get punched again and I knew my dad was gonna tear me a new one when he saw my nose.

"I might," he growled in return. My smile dropped and I hid back behind Harry.

"We need to get going," Seb told me,"Dad and Mom'll be mad if we're late."

"Why?" I asked standing up and grabbing my bag. I didn't think they'd be angry if we were a little late today. We didn't have anyone coming over, at least I thought we didn't.

"Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Robert, and the kids are coming. Don't you remember?" he said looking over his shoulder at me from the door. The fact was I hadn't remembered this and the look on my face had probably answered his question. He sighed.

"Well come on we don't want to be late. See ya Nurse Harrison," Seb said waving and then opening the door.

"Bye boys don't get into anymore fights today," Nurse Harry said. I waved at him.

"See ya and i wan't so don't worry," He gave me a knowing look before I trotted out the door after Seb.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2016 ⏰

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