The sparks in the cinders

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This is the epic sarga of Final act

The face of judgement on the future souls of the United Kingdom 

A vigilante that used the very location of his own brutal attempted murder to stalk and hunt thes who lit the evil flames of destruction on his life  

Trevor best was a world renowned inventor exstrodinar 

His inventions were light years beyond what anybody eles could even imagine 

His beautiful brain being his true gift and he would use it to its maxsicum capacity to bring the future Britain the most advanced inventions ever witnessed by human eyes

It wasn't long before he became a conglomerate a name that was built for glory 

Only best could out invent the rest 

Was the slogan plastered all over every broadcasting mega beam billboard 

That blinded drivers in there hyper highway hover cars 

He was to all A tech wizard an inventor and the owner that could never be matched 

And it was in his hay day that he afforded himself but one personal luxury's item of wealth 

His beloved theatre named the high Tempel 

His hunbris if you will 

For thou the theatre would be constantly so,d out and make best even more money 

That same sold out  venue would Infact lead to being this genuius of his generations down fall 

As poor Trevor would find true tragedy hit him in his life

when his pride and joy that was the high Tempel theatre became the target of evil arson attack burnt down in its prime 

But this was not the worse of the events to transpire as inside his pride and joy at that very time was the man himself Trevor best 

Traped under the burning wreckage he screamed for help as his face was hideously burned away but no help would come for the man who had become so powefull others had gone to grate lengths to ensure he dissapered forever 

The same people being behind the very hands that lit the flames that now devoured him in his beloved personal happy place 

As his face once seen on all beam bords became unrecognisable in its burnt melted form 

His enermys belived that Trevor best was no longer among the living 

That there thorn in there business side was burnt away no longer a financial drain on the competing empires who longed for bests success 

getting him out of the way was the only anwser these lesser thinkers could think out to earn more money bests  a rival inventors were so jealous they were willing to kill to replace him in the world as the leading brain of the furure United Kingdom

There plan had been simple and with deliberately cruelty in how it was pulled off 

It would have been perfect except for one crushal errors

Trevor best was a surviour and with his burnt and battered form nobody knew the high Tempel and all its built in d reacts more then it's designer it's owner 

And threw sheer determination Trevor best had found his trap door mechanism and crawled under the stage to a panic room pod in whic he evacuated just before the entire flaming roof of magnificent beauty came caving in 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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