Not so happy campers

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"Yo! We're coming at you live from Camp Wawanakwa, somewhere in Muskoka, Ontario. I'm your host Chris McLean, dropping season one of the hottest new reality show on television right now!"

Let's check it out .

26 campers have signed up to spend 8 weeks at a this summer camp . Where they will precipitate . Willing. He air quotes the last part.

In various challenges every three days .
the winning team will receive an award . The losing team will have to vote one of its members off the island at the camp elimination ceremony.
Campfires who are safe wolf receive a marshmallow will walk down the walk of shame and ride the boat of losers.
And leave the island for ever.

Each week, the number of campers will dwindle, with the final one gaining cheap tabloid fame and earning a small fortune of $100,000, which let's face it they will blow in a month.

All dramatic moments will be caught by cameras on the island.

Now let's begin.

Chris heads to the dock .

" first up from kakegurui we have .
Mary saotome , yumeko jabami ." He says as They are forced off the boat by chef.

" hey !" Mary said as chef threw her on her but on the dock . yumeko hops off the boat and walks over to Mary and helps her up . " I don't need your help !" Mary says as she refused yemkos help and got up on her own . " where are we ?" yumeko asked . " I don't care . I want off this island." She shouted at Chris who smirked.
" hey?! Are you even listening." Mary said getting angry being ignored.

" next we have the Usagi Tsukino , Ami Mizuno,
Rei Hino, Makoto Kino, and finally Minako Aino.
They were all trown off the boat by chef who laughed.
" ouch! That really hurt !" Usagi shouted/cried.

Chris laughed .
" next we have Inuyasha,Kagome,sango,and miroku.
Chef threw miroku and sango off .
" hey !" Miroku said
" you don't have to be so rough!" Sango shouted.
As Inyuasha jumped with Kagome off the boat placing her down gently.
" where are we? ." Kagome said scared .
" idk ." Inyuasha said confused/angry.

" next we have Emma swan , Regina mills , and Henry mills ."
" don't touch me ." Regina says as chef released her but threw Emma on the dock landing on her but .
" hey !" She shouted.
As Henry ran off the boat pass Regina to help Emma up .

" next we have Natsu and Lucy and grey . They get off the boat without a problem because natsu burned chef .

" next we have musa , Stella , bloom and flora .
Who walk of the boat because chef is still injured.

" next we have Steven universe ."
He get gets off the boat with ease .
" this isn't beach city?"
Chris laughed before saying. " it's not "  he laughed some more scaring the adult .

" and finally we have marinette, Chloe,  alya and Adrian."  Who get off the boat and join the rest of the confused angry campers .

" now that everyone is here ! It's time for a group picture!"
Chris directs the campers to one end of the dock for a group photo now that all of the contestants have arrived. Unfortunately, the dock breaks under the combined weight of the campers just as the photo is being taken.
" okay happy campers dry off and meet me at the campfire pit in 10 ."  Chris directs them to do .

" campers that this is Camp Wawanakwa, where you'll be staying for the next eight weeks, the people sitting around them will be their cabin mates, competition, and maybe even friends."

They look at him in complete  ether still confused or angry.

" the last person standing in the competition will win $100,000."

" wait seriously?" Emma asked as Regina was still unamused.
"That's a lot of money ." Kagome commented.
" will there be gambling?" yumeko asked innocently.
" I'm hungry!" Usagi replied.
"Are we sleeping with the girls ?" Miroku asked as sango said " don't even think about it !"
" I'm not sleeping in a disgusting gross cabin !" Chloe protested.

" quit!" Chris yelled as everyone stopped.

"the guys sleeping on one side and the girls sleeping on the other." Chris said .

" let's start the teams .
yumeko , Inyuasha, sango ,Emma ,Regina,usagi, natsu, marientte ,Stella ,musa, bloom, grey  . You'll be known as the screaming gophers

Miroku , Ami,
Rei, Makoto , Minako , Kagame, Chloe ,alya , Adrian,Mary flora , Henry ,Lucy , Steven
You'll be know as the killer bass

" You will also be able to share your innermost thoughts on tape with video diaries anytime you want. Let the audience at home know what you're really thinking, or just get something off your chest."

Outhouse confessional : Kagome

" Great me and Inuyasha won't be on the same team ." She said sadly

Outhouse confessional : Henry mills

" man , this is so cool ! , and I thought storybrooke was better!"

Outhouse confessional ending.

the female Gophers unpack,

" well , it could be worse ." Emma says scanning the bunks .
" miss swan this is worse  !. Why bother with a curse when I could have just sent everyone here !" She stated claiming the bottom bunk as Emma calls dibs on top .
" your such a child ." Regina commented as the other campers came in .
" hi , I'm yumeko!" Regina sticks out her as yumeko takes it . " Regina mills ."
" nice to meet you , I hope we can be friends." yumeko asked .
" I don't see why not , dear"
" yay !" yumeko hugged regina making her jump at contact.
" awww , making friends Regina ." Emma teases.
Regina glares at her . As usagi,bloom ,Stella , musa , marinette and Stella walk in and claim thier bunks as well .

Chris gives everyone thirty minutes to unpack before meeting him back at the main lodge.

A sudden shriek from the Gopher girls' cabin interrupts this statement. Chloe  is standing on a chair inside, screaming in terror about a huge cockroach on the floor.

The cockroach crawls towards Kagome , who shrieks and leaps onto one of the bunk beds,  Several campers struggle to kill the roach before Inyuasha finally  steps on it .
" my hero !" Chloe says hugging awkward Inyuasha as kagome gets jealous at the sight .

In the main lodge, Chef, the camp's chef and
introduces himself, and his food serving schedule of three meals a day,

" umm dear is this even food ." Regina commented as chef shrugs his shoulder .
" have any grilled cheese back there?" Emma asked as he pours extra slop on her plate . As Steven and flora came next .
" oh my , thanks ." Flora said not trying to be rude.
Chef pours slop on Stevens plate . " I think mine just moved ." Steven panics as chef takes a hammer and
He splats  it all over Steven .
" geez , thanks ."

Chris welcomes the contestants to the main lodge while they are still eating.
" hey can we order some pizza ?" Adrien asked .

Chef reacts aggressively by throwing a cleaver knife at the wall, which sticks. " never mind , this is so good ." Adrian responded frightened .
Rei pats his shoulder earning glares from marinette and Chloe .
" thanks , Adrien ." Whispered to rei as she responded by saying.
" we're a team now right?" Adrian nodded. " yeah

Chris then announces that the first challenge starts in one hour

" what do you think the challenge will be ? ." Natsu asked .
" probably something easy ." Inyuasha commented as they arrived at thier next challenge.

the campers lined up on a very tall cliff,

" you can't be serious ." Marinette shout's .

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