Who Are You? Harry Styles - AU

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The light flickered on and off catching my attention, I turned around and saw him standing by the door. His eye was bruised and swollen and there was a gash above his eye. Just as I stood from the sofa to attend to him he fell to his knees and groaned loudly. My pace quickened and I dropped to my knees to hold him up, I didn’t even know who this man was. He blinked at me as he took me in and then he slowly closed his eyes and his whole body went limp. “Who are you?” I whispered to myself as I hoisted him up and pulled his dead weight over to the sofa.

I rushed in to the kitchen to get the first aid kit and walk back in to living room with a damp cloth as well. I looked at him curiously as I kneeled in front of him. He had dark brown curly locks and I think his eyes were green. I wiped the blood from the gash on his head slowly and then applied anti-septic to it to make sure that it didn’t get infected. I cleaned him up and watched him quietly as his chest moved up and down at a steady pace. I left a glass of water and two aspirin tablets for him and went to bed.

It might sound odd that I put a random stranger on my sofa but in the area I live it’s not unusual for fights to break out of the street, I am wary of the people I let in to my house but this night I didn’t lock my door. In the morning when I woke the glass of water was empty and the aspirin was gone and there was a ten pound note on the coffee table and the curly haired boy was gone. My brother would have a heart attack if he knew that I let a strange man in to my house, but this boy was injured and he didn’t utter a word.


Three months had passed since the curly haired boy had slept on my sofa and he had not shown his face. Every time I saw a boy with a head of curly hair I stopped to see if it was the boy with the green eyes. No such luck, I still don’t understand to this day why I was so curious about him, he didn’t say anything to me he just silently asked for help.

I tried not to make a habit of leaving my front door unlocked but for some reason I always hoped that he would come back. It didn’t worry me one bit that he walked in to my house without knocking on the door, he didn’t ask if he could come in he just walked straight inside and tried to get my attention. This night in particular was quite warm so I had left the wooden door open and closed the wire door to let in the breeze. “You should really lock your doors darlin’,” My whole body shivered as a warm breath tickles my exposed neck.

I whipped my head around and was met by the strange boys stunning greens orbs. “You’re back,” I whisper, while any other person would have been alarmed that someone had just walked in to their flat I was somewhat pleased to see him. I didn’t know his name, I didn’t know where he was from and I definitely didn’t know what he wanted. He stands there and looks at me in my skimpy shorts and my white tank top and suddenly I wish that I didn’t whip off my work uniform when I got home.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2013 ⏰

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