Confession GxG

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Elizabeth x Jessica

Jessica is 16
Elizabeth is 15

A bit of BxB

Elizabeth was in her room watching tv on her tablet as she was alone in her room as her parents were asleep and she knew her older brother Michael had snuck one of his idiot boyfriends in his room doing god knows what to him

she was watching her shows on her computer she then remember when she met Jessica at school and she took her hair pin off her hair then left with it she was mad but she grow blush across her face as she watch her show until she heard a knock on her window she went to her small balcony going to it before looking out to see Jessica she wasn't surprised how she found out where she lived but was shocked how she get on her floor she was on the fourth floor 

Elizabeth took deep breathes before opening the balcony door to see Jessica with her arms crossed and a backpack on her back

Jessica: Hello love

Elizabeth: shut up get in be quiet my parents are sleeping

Elizabeth let her in as she closed the door as Jessica looked at her laptop to see her show on her computer

Jessica: love hello kitty

Elizabeth: that's the only thing I could find Jess leave me alone about my shows

Jessica laughed as she went in her bag giving her something

Elizabeth: my hair clip thank you is that all

Jessica: well not really love

Elizabeth: what do you need

Jessica smiled as she pulled her into a kiss Elizabeth eyes widen as she kissed her more as she pushed her down to the bed touching her waist up and down she broke the kiss with a string of saliva as she went under shirt playing with her nip Elizabeth softly groaned as she felt Jessica hand under her shirt she threw her head back on the bed Elizabeth felt her arm around her body.

Elizabeth felt a wet sensation on her chest he looked down to see Jessica under her shirt she felt Jessica hand up to her mouth she licked her nip

Elizabeth breathe as Jessica stop she took her hands away causing Elizabeth to whine she went into her bag grabbing something Elizabeth looked at the bag she then pulled out a vibrator and dil Elizabeth eyes widen

Elizabeth: no we can't my parents are going to hear us

Jessica: as long as you keep quiet

Elizabeth took her pants off Jessica grinned as she went down to upper thigh before Elizabeth felt her p wet she felt Jessica fingering her p

She squirm as she felt the fingers out soon feeling a wet sensation between her legs she had tears as a gasp came she moan softly as she felt Jessica tongue swirl on it

Elizabeth: stop I feel a knot in my stomach

Elizabeth clenched the sheets on her bed tightly tugging it under her hands clenching her teeth together trying not to scream

Elizabeth: Jessica

Elizabeth felt Jessica mouth being move Elizabeth whined as Jessica took the vibrator sticking it inside her as she moan loudly Jessica kissed her lips to shut her up as she turned it on she looked at Elizabeth as she looked at her she grabbed the vibrator moving it up and down repeatedly inside her she groaned under her lip


Hanzel: what was that

Michael: probably just Elizabeth or dad ahhhh~ Hanzel it's-

Hanzel: shhhh love

Back Elizabeth was still kissing Jessica while the vibrator was going in and out repeatedly Elizabeth muffled

She come on the vibrator as she breathe heavily

Jessica: wow I didn't get time to use the dil but I'll let you sleep love

Elizabeth: thank you

Elizabeth slowly felled asleep on her bed Jessica laid beside her and sleep

Next morning Elizabeth was still sleeping but Jessica woke up looking at Elizabeth decided not to wake her up she kissed her face begging going back to sleep

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