this is me trying;

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Regret started to seep in as Dahyun dragged her feet across a classmate's yard. Her two friends were giggling at one another as she followed closely behind them. Oh, that's good. At least between the two of them, Tzuyu seemed to be adjusting already to Chaeyoung's so-called event of the year; they didn't even know the host's name, poor guy... or whoever.

The trio weren't partygoers by any means, which is why it was hard to believe that the middle child desperately wanted to go to one out of the blue. Although out of the three girls, she would be the most likely to attend one.

So how did Chaeyoung convince her fellow introverts to go with her to such an event? Through measures that they simply couldn't say no to, of course.

"Oh, a party? I think we're good; thanks, though!"

Well, they didn't exactly say no.

The cub whined as her legs collapsed to the ground, clasping her hands together and waving them about in front of the two girls. The desire to go to this party brought out the shameless side of her friend, and Dahyun didn't know the petite girl had it in her to resort to such extremes.

Mind you, the girl was committing the act at the campus' gates at the end of the school day, where everyone leaving the site could witness the cries of a cub and two hostiles towering over her.

Dahyun's bashful metre was at an all-time high, her body tensing up at the lengths this small kid would go to for some party. She did mention it was hosted by some wealthy foreign student, so it was guaranteed going to be a killer of a party, a once-in-a-lifetime type of beat. Beverages and food from places you could only find in your dreams—all Chaeyoung's words.

While the eldest was shrivelling at the prospect of dying from embarrassment that she was prone to, Tzuyu found it all to be oddly endearing to see the cub this way. Fired up about something when the girl was usually reserved. It brought a small smile to her face, which she quickly dropped when she saw Dayhun eyeing her strangely.

The back and forth between the older two girls continued for a few minutes until the eldest got the brilliant idea to submit her own proposal of taking them out to a meal tonight and having their own party, just the three of them. The cub eagerly agreed to the terms only if they attended the rich kid party, but she herself would treat them out to dinner some other day instead. Finally, they come to a compromise.

The dinner will make all this worth it, Dahyun reminded herself before stepping inside the house, trailing behind the other two.

Though introspective by nature, they surprisingly managed to adapt to the chaotic atmosphere of a rich kid's party by happily leaning on one another for support. Letting loose and getting high off each other's company and energy made Dahyun all giddy inside, but it was at a college party of all places; maybe it was something in the air. They've had times like these with just the three of them before, sure, but then she surveyed the area. The other attendees of the party seemed to not give a fuck, so why would she?

But it only took a quick 'I'll be back' to make it all crumble. Tzuyu knew better than to succumb to peer pressure or to take a drink from a stranger's hand, but eventually she found herself downing a shot glass once she saw the cub dancing with someone else. She was ushered outside by her friend, where the cool, musk-induced night air greeted them. The wake-up call was a little too rude for her liking.

Dahyun grabbed a bottle of ale from the cooler, popped the cap off, and pushed it towards her friend's chest. It didn't take much convincing for the Taiwanese girl to snatch the bottle and take a swig out of it. She grimaced from the alcohol searing her throat before saying 'thanks'.

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