Not the Gummy Bears

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"Tragedy! Wake up before I drag you out of your bed and feed you drugged gummy bears!" Kennedy said in frustrated shout before dropping a bag of gummy bears on yourerhead and putting Fall Out Boy on full volume.
"But I want to sleep!" I whined before pulling the blanket back up over my head.
"Tragedy I'm bored and we have to go to the pack bonding trip
tommorrow with the Night Bloods!" Kennedy stated before jumping onto my bed and in front of my face with a pout.
"Fine." I sighed in defeat. She just smirked at me and turnned the music up even louder. She knew I would cave. She is my best friend afterall.
"I'm going to shower," I said walking out of the room and into the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, stripped, and then hopped into the freezing cold shower. The icy water pelting my skin. I scrubbed off the dirt and just rested in the water.
Tommorow is pack bonding. A week after a treaty is signed between packs, both packs (or more depending on how many the treaty is between) gather together and bond.
This way we become comfortable with the pack and used to their...customs? Each pack has their own way or structure. Depending on the pack.
Packs with female Alpha's typically deem the pair(Alpha and their Mate) as both Alphas. Sometimes their mate will even assume the Beta postion. Now, if the Alpha female has a female mate, then the Alpha's mate becomes the Luna as with packs with Alpha males.
Some packs have Gammas or Deltas (third and fourth in command), Some stop with betas and rank their warriors, equally rank their warroirs and so on.
You get it? Pack bonding helps our pack understand how the other pack functions, so we can be more respectful. I'm actually pretty nervous for pack bonding tommorrow. Honestly, I'm afraid of the Night Bloods. Especially their Alpha, Alpha Lucas.
Alpha Lucas is around 19 years old, so he's a pretty young Alpha, and he hasn't met his mate yet. I'm 18 but his age isn't what scares me, it's his experience.
Typically, young Alpha's don't have much experince with war and leadership. That's why most Alpha's don't assume the position until their mid twenties. That way they have learned fully how to deal with certain pack situations and current pack issues. Alpha Lucas on the other hand has been in many wars.
He's killed almost as many people as there are in his pack (Which considering he's the second largest pack in the World is alot). He's been in the position of both the attacked and the attacker. That's why I'm afraid. He knows how to handle war at such a young age. He's seen death, embraced it even.
Tommorow, I will be forced to see him, shake the hand of a murderer. I can't deny he's a good leader, and good looking, but .... He's just scary, menacing even.
"Tragedy hurry up!"Kennedy booms. I shake my head and step out, walking back into my room with a towel around my waist. "Goddess Tragedy! You take such long showers!"
"What's wrong with you?!?" I ask Kennedy. She's been in such a rush today its crazy!
"Alpha Lucas is here. Go get ready! Now!" She says before slamming my door shut. I just sigh and start to get dressed in black leggings and a white lace crop top. I put a black ring in my belly button, a silver lip ring, and studs in my ears along with a silver cuff. Today is cute day!
I decided to stay bare foot and walk down stairs. Alpha Lucas is probably in the office with our Alpha, Alpha Tomas, talking about tommorrow. I make it to the kitchen and fix myself a cup of coffee, black of course. Kennedy comes out of nowhere and takes the coffee from me and drinking it. I pour myself another cup and glare as Jack takes it from me.
Jack is Kennedy's friend who loves to steal my sugar and coffee! Kennedy snorts while I pour yet another cup of coffee when Derek comes and takes it from me. Jack goes into hysterics while I just glare at each of them. Jack fell to the floor and I smirked as coffee spilled all over him.
"Jerk." I mutter with a grin. Derek just laughs at me and ruffles my hair. He puts my coffee down and gives me a hug.
"Good Morning." I smile and nod, taking back the coffee he took from me off the counter and drinking it. Derek is a close friend of mine and one of our packs warriors. He's like my older brother. I love hugs.
I finish my coffee and put the cup in the sink and start cooking sausage and grits for breakfast. I make enough for Jack, Derek, Kennedy, the Alphas, and I. After I'm done a place them all on plates. Derek gives me a peck on the cheek, and Kennedy gives me a hug. Kennedy isn't as big a fan of affection as I am. She especially hates giving me hugs.
I tell Kennedy I'll be back and carry two plates and two cups of coffee up to the Alpha's office. Alpha Tomas never locks the door so, I can easily push it open. As I get close to the mahogany door, the scent of coffee and strawberries floods my nose. I inwardly moan at such a delicious combination of scents. I push the door open as excitement builds in me and my wolf, Kylina starts jumping in my head yelping mate.
I put the food on the empty corner of Alpha Tomas' desk and hand one of the cups of coffee to Alpha Lucas. Their conversation has finally ended as Alpha Lucas looks dazed.
"I don't drink coffee, thank you." I simply nod my head and pull the mug closer to my chest. He has to feel the pull. His dark charcoal gray eyes are flooded with emotions I can't seem to decipher. I'm lost in his pupils and in my mind. I actually found my mate.
"Okay." I whisper before placing the cup back down and handing him a plate of food. "Hope your hungry." I said giving a weak smile trying to get myself back to reality.
"Why don't we take a short break to enjoy the food? Her grits are amazing." I blush slightly, and smile more confidently as Alpha Lucas nods. I cant believe my mate is Alpha Lucas! Wait-Alpha Lucas? Alpha of the Night Bloods? NO NO NO NO NO! Maybe I accidentally ate some of Kennedy's gummy bears. I look Alpha Lucas in the eye again. Nope, definitely not the gummy bears. My body starts to panic my chest constricting as I fall backwards, then I black out, feeling the wood greet my body.

A/N first chapter of many to come!

Love you guys

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2017 ⏰

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