- 𝙏𝙖𝙡𝙠𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙫𝙚 -

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Warning : Angst? 💔
Highschool AU

Jeongin was just a normal 15 year old boy that was never afraid to speak. On his first day, he had to introduce himself and he explained most of his backstory even personal problems. Even the teachers had to stop him from spilling any further.

But although Jeongin talks alot, not even a single person would want to be his listener. Everytime he would talk, people would either talk over him or pretend he's not there. Jeongin never thought much of it on his first day but sooner he realized what they're plan was.

Jeongin sighed as he read the question again. He didn't understand any of the words. He raised his hand and started,

" Miss, I don't understand this question "

The teacher looked up with a smile but it soon dropped once she realized who was asking. She sighed then continued,

" Jeongin you've been asking alot, please be quite for once "

Jeongin felt a bit offended by her words since he didn't ask anything except the question he just asked, for the past few hours when class started. Jeongin sighed and wrote a random answer to the "impossible" problem.

Once the bell rung Jeongin packed up his bag and walked into the bathroom. He didn't have any friends anyway so he was confident enough that no one will notice him not entering the cafeteria.

He got in a stall and placed his backpack near the toilet and closed the toilet lid only to sit on it and basically rethink his life and also regretting his decisions.

He felt introverted, even though he has a loud and extroverted personality.

After a few hours of regretting he heard a knock on the other side of the bathroom stall door he was in. Honestly, he felt lowkey scared on what's about to happened next but without thinking, he opened the stall and in front of him,

He saw a puppy-like boy standing there with worrisome spread across his face.

" need anything? "

Jeongin asked.

" not really, just wanted to check if you were alright "

" Of course I'm alright? "

The puppy boy chuckled and continued,

" ah okay sorry for assuming, you didn't enter the cafeteria earlier and I got from a friend that you were in here "

" ohh alright? "

There was silence in the stall after.

" can you come here...? "

Jeongin ask mumbling the last part.

" hm? Oh, alright "

He assumed Jeongin wanted him to go inside the stall so I went in and closed the door and locked it.

" I'm sorry if I'm creepy... "

" oh- I- uh- no! You're not, I was just surprised that's all... Now what do you want to tell me? "

" have you ever felt like you're getting ignored "

" all the time. "

Jeongin chuckled lowly.

" guess we have something in common "

Seungmin faced him and said,

" you? Get ignored? How can they ignore a cutie like you! "

Jeongin felt his cheeks start to heat up because of the compliment.

" well I get ignored alot, I've never experienced getting noticed no matter how talkative I am, no one will listen... Not even my family "

Seungmin felt bad and pulled the younger into a hug while Jeongin cried his pain out.

Once he was done they pulled away and Seungmin started again,

" you know... If you ever need a listener you can always come to me okay? Only if you go out with me, deal? "

He said while pulling his hand out for Jeongin to agree. He hesitated but took Seungmin's hand.

" deal. "

Then from that day on, they became really close and in the end started dating and now their a cute couple.

The end

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