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apartment 203
based on a twitter post.
freak you baux😡

Mikayla recently moved to New York. Coming from a quaint town in Vermont, it was a big change, and one she wasn't sure she liked. For one, everywhere she went smelled like poop and dead rats. She couldn't walk down the street without getting a face-full of hot gas straight from the sewers.

What a great place!

It's not like she could move, though. Her college was in the city and the apartment was a godsend. A less than an hour commute.

The downside of the "godsend," however, were the other college kids living next to her. Every night while she did her reading, the apartment upstairs would conveniently start making noise. Whoever lived there was truly the thing that went bump in the night. It lost her sleep.

Tonight wasn't any different. That damn apartment 203 was up to the same shenanigans it was up to any night. A thump every other second, a cheer from above. Mikayla sighed and shut her textbook. There was no way she was getting studying done tonight.

She got up from her desk and flopped on her bed. She thought about marching up there on her own and giving apartment 203 a piece of her mind.

No, she couldn't. What if it was a super buff guy? There's no way she could hold her own against a guy like that, or anyone really. Then again, there's no way she's getting a degree if she can't study at night.

She thought about it. Sending a letter? No. That'd be weird. Did anyone even send letters anymore? What about the landlord? No, he wouldn't care. He never cares unless he gets money out of it.

Thoughts running on a bullet train, they finally reached their destination. The name of her WiFi. Passive aggressive enough for them to notice eventually, and nobody would know it was her.

Mikayla smiled and pulled out her phone. Hopefully this worked.


"The WiFi's called WHAT?" Leyla yelled, wide-eyed and staring at her friend Bianca.

"I said this person's WiFi is 'APT203ULoudAsFuck,'" she snickered, "You are pretty loud."

"There is no fucking way," Leyla muttered, checking her phone. Bianca wasn't lying. "Who made this?"

"I don't know, but they really want you to shut the fuck up. Maybe you should," Bianca teased, throwing a sly smile over to Leyla.

"Maybe you should shut the fuck up," Leyla mimicked while fiddling with her settings. This pussy better see her message.

"Alright, B. I got a new WiFi name. How do you like APT???SayItToMyFace#203?"


Mikayla almost threw her phone across the room. Being curious, she wanted to see if there was any type of response. Through WiFi names. Of course there was.

The noise hadn't stopped, of course, and tonight's was extra loud. That's what initially reminded Mikayla of the "message" she sent in the first place. Although she went looking for one, she didn't expect an actual response.


She guessed she had to make the trip to the apartment for it to stop. Which was what she avoided in the first place, it was why she passive aggressively changed her WiFi name.

There was no way she was actually going to confront apartment 203.


Mikayla was going to confront apartment 203.

She had a report due tonight and she needed it to be quiet. There was no other choice. Groaning and putting her head in her hands, she got up to put her shoes on. Sure, she was in Halloween pajamas, but she needed a moment of silence. Morgan still brought her taser just in case.

Marching up the stairs, Mikayla took a few minutes to gather courage before knocking on the blue door reading 203.

She waited a moment.

And then another.

And then the door opened.

Loud rock music, Kiss perhaps, left the doorway as did the sound of laughter and drinks being clinked together. What drew the most attention was who answered the door. There stood the most beautiful woman Mikayla ever saw in her life. In the doorway was a slightly shorter woman, light brown hair styled messily into a short wolf cut. Her dark brown eyes seemed as if they held all Mikayla's secrets, and silently threatened she would spill them all, dark leather clothes adding to the mystery the girl in front of her held.

Gosh, why hadn't she confronted 203 sooner?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2023 ⏰

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