The meeting

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Zenitsu's POV
I was walking to meet my friends tanjiro and inosuke to discuss the mission we were given. When I got there inosuke was yelling about how he could easily beat me in a fight. "Inosuke you have to catch me first" I said "guys now is not the time, the boss said that the Yakuza's think that we can't steal so what we are going to steal is the rarest diamond" said tanjiro

We went to the museum were the diamond is and well inosuke and tanjiro got in a fight with someone to buy me time to steal the diamond, I swapped the diamond with the fake one and we all left with the diamond in my hands without anyone knowing it.

No ones POV
When they out to the headquarters zenitsu gave the diamond to the boss and then they left, to go to the cafe when they are at the cafe it was just like a normal day.

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