Getting deadnamed 😔

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(Using names of flowers/stones bc no giving personal shit here🥰)
warning: Swearing, threats 😔😔
This girl, im going to call her peony, even though shes the devil himself 🥰 shes kinda a brat
Shes in my volleyball camp with my other friend, who ill call sapphire, and some random people idk.
Shes in like elementary school still 💀
But anyways, i was talking with sapphire when she started coming over to us. So here is the convo we had before and when she got there
H=Me S=Sapphire P=Peony

S: "Oh btw, [NOT_AVAILABLE.], *Peony* is here
H: "Bitch. You fr?"
S: "Yeah-"
P: "Hi *Sapphire!!*, Hey [DEAD_NAMED].."
H: "I see the bitch is still alive, anyways, what were you saying *Sapphire?*"

So we chatted and then i told Peony about my dead name and preferred name and she says "Well im not going to call you that, your a girl." And then i say "No im not." And that went on for a LONGGGGG while.

Soon enough i snapped at her in front of like everyone. Because she wouldnt stop calling me my dead name, and she says this "Even if i call you by that you still do answer." LIKE BTCH. IM SORRY I CANT FUCKING HERE YOU. WANNA GO? I WILL WHOOP YOUR SORRY ASS STRAIGHT TO SATURN AND BACK AND BRING YOU TO SATAN MYSELF. TF. 💀

But i have to deal with her bitch ass tomorrow bc i have more volleyball camp and then i pray i never have to see that attention whore ever again 💀

Anyways bye!!<333 🥰🥰🥰

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