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FIRST PAGE. ❜ ⎯⎯ ❪ 첫 페이지 ❫

THERE'S SOMETHING fascinating about the topic of beauty. Which is, not everybody will experience the true essence of beauty—let alone the true nature of it.

However, that's where this all begins. Everyone in this existence can experience the true nature and essence of beauty. It begins with a pencil or a pen, and as long as people use their creativity they can go a long way. Although, it's important to watch out for plot holes that may ruin the event that was recorded by the author.

Everyone writes their own events and challenges. Despite this fact, people's novels are more realistic than they are fictional. Each situation will fall into place like a puzzle piece regardless of the circumstances and emotions that are involved.

So, welcome to the universe where people write and determine what their fairytale will appear to your very own eyes.


"Are you listening to me Hyunjin?"

Han snapped his fingers in front of Hyunjin's face to grab his attention.

Hyunjin stopped glancing at his pictures and whipped his head around to face Han.

"Yes, I'm listening. Sorry."

"Looking at your pictures again I see?" Han questioned, knowing damn well that he was correct.

Hyunjin was about to say something in defense but he knew that Han was aware of how obsessed he was with photography. Instead he remained silent and gave a shameful nod.

As expected, Han sighed and crossed his arms.

"I thought we were already aware of Hyunjin's obsession..." Jeongin suddenly spoke up.

"Yes, but when I'm trying to tell him about the fact that I have a piano recital on friday it would nice of him to pay attention." Han crossed his arms, clearly annoyed by Hyunjin's behavior.

Feeling guilty, Hyunjin placed his camera beside him on the table and faced Han again.

"I'm sorry Han, please forgive me. I'm just really passionate about photography and it's hard to drive my attention away from it." Hyunjin admitted bluntly.

There was a moment of silence while Han thought about what Hyunjin said. Despite how annoyed Han was, what Hyunjin said was true. Even if Han didn't want to believe it out of spite, he knew that Hyunjin wasn't dishonest. However, Han wasn't pleased with Hyunjin's bluntness whenever he spoke to him.

"Fine, I forgive you. Just pay attention better next time." Han mumbled, loud enough for Hyunjin to hear.

An audible sigh of relief was heard from Hyunjin just as Han accepted his apology.

"Thank you, I will Han. I swear."

Han scrunched his nose and pointed at Hyunjin firmly.

"You better swear on it Hyunjin. I won't forgive you as easily next time."

"Are you both done?" Jeongin asked, adjusting his script.

Hyunjin pushed his glasses up to the bridge of his nose and nodded, followed with a faint hum.

Jeongin spoke again, immediately changing the topic.

"Speaking of important dates," he began, carefully flipping through his script, "I'm hoping my novel will tell me if I pass my take tomorrow."

Han reached up to ruffle Jeongin's hair. "I'm sure you'll do well." he chuckled.

Annoyed by Han's response, Jeongin swatted at his hands and grumbled loudly.

While Jeongin and Han messed around, Hyunjin had a small and fond smile on his face with his cheek pressed against the back of his hand.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

Suddenly, the bell tolled which told the three it was time for their departure to their separate classes.

"Well, that's the bell. I'll see you both during lunch break." Han piped, rushing to collect his things.

The three exchanged their goodbyes before leaving to their classes.

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