1- first day

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i was having the best dream about my man, chris smith from kris kross. until my brother, dustin, woke me up.
"paris, wake up. it's the first day." i sat up and stared at my wall. i had just moved back to L.A. from texas. i lived with my dad from first grade to seventh grade. i didn't want to live with him, but he found his way to get custody of me. a few years later, my mother got custody of me. i moved out to L.A. this summer, and for my last year of middle school i would go with my half-brother, dustin.
anyway, i got up to get dressed. i couldn't decide on if i wanted to show out for the first day, or show out for the first day. both were really nice.

i didn't want to be uncomfortable throughout the day, so i chose the more comfortable option

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i didn't want to be uncomfortable throughout the day, so i chose the more comfortable option. i put on some star earings and was going to head upstairs. (your room is in the basement so there's no confusion)
i looked on my desk to see some lashes. they were fluffy but not too much.

i really liked the way they looked so, i decided that i would do little more makeup

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i really liked the way they looked so, i decided that i would do little more makeup. i just did something natural cause i was still young. i fixed my hair up really quick and sprayed some perfume.

"COME ON RI WE'RE GON BE LATE!" dustin screamed from the stair door

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"COME ON RI WE'RE GON BE LATE!" dustin screamed from the stair door. i grabbed my bag, my house keys, and my skateboard.
"ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT!" i rushed up the stairs and went outside, locking the door as well.
"we gotta go pick up brandt and alex." he said getting on his bike. i sighed, and put my headphones on.

this playlist had all my rap songs on it, like 2pac, biggie, mf doom, nwa, ice cube, snoop, dr dre, and westside connection, my personal favorite

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this playlist had all my rap songs on it, like 2pac, biggie, mf doom, nwa, ice cube, snoop, dr dre, and westside connection, my personal favorite. we stopped at a house, and alex came out.
"hey guys." he said.
"hey alex." me and dustin said. i didn't mind alex. he wasn't like brandt or dustin, meaning he knew what a limit was. he would also be nonchalant at moments, but it was always funny. i put my head phones back in because we made it to brandt's house.
"wassup dustin and alex. hey paris." i ignored him. i did not like him at all. he was at my house like every day during the summer. he was so cocky about everything he did.
"don't be rude ri. say hey to brandt." dustin said.
"i don't have to say hey to anyone i don't want to." i would've left them, but i couldn't leave dustin alone.

we walked into the school, all eyes on us. it might've been because dustin and his friends were popular. i saw a two girls, one of them way taller than the other and one with a bowl cut. they were looking at me, and whispering to each other. i walked to my locker and there was a boy to the right. tall, asian, and he wore baggy clothes. he was my TYPE.

"are you new?" he asked.
"yeah." i said organizing my things. i took some stickers from my bag and placed them around the inside of my locker.
"what's your name?"
"paris, yours?"
"shuji. nice to meet you."
"same to you."
"you're in eighth grade?"
"yeah, why you say it like that?"
"you're just short. no offense." i rolled my eyes, and laughed. i was looking through my stickers and noticed i had a few of the same stickers.
"you like ice cube, and dr dre?" i said looking at him.
"yeah. why?"
"they gave me a lot of the same stickers, so you can have these ones." i said giving them to him. he smiled and said thank you. just then the bell rang.
"so what class do you have?"
i checked my schedule.
"same. you wanna walk together?"
"of course." i said closing my locker.
"so who else do you listen to?"
"well my main favorites are westside connection and kris kross. then 2pac, ice cube, nwa. but also i love music that just flows, you know?"
"i've never met anyone hear that listens to westside connection. all that everyone listens to is boring."
"exactly. no hate to spice girls, but i've heard that 'if you wanna be my lover' song so many times."
"for real, my sister and her friend are so obsessed with that song it's so annoying." i laughed at his attitude. we then made it to the history room.

"hello mr. ishi peters and mrs. johnson, welcome to history."
"hi." i said not really knowing where to go or what to say.
"be a dear and introduce yourself."
"okay. hello my name is paris johnson. i used to live in texas, but i moved back here during the summer."
"paris like the city?"
i sighed before responding to whoever said that.
"what else?" i said sarcastically.
"okay thank you paris, take a seat next to shuji."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2023 ⏰

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