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A/n: AAAAAAA, IM SO SORRY FOR MY ABSENCE, i honestly dont have a reason, i just lost ideas and motivation and i deeply apologize 😭‼️‼️.

But tysm for almost 40k reads on this?!@?$!#?#








A few weeks have gone by and things have been going casual, Isagi and Hyo's class was chosen to go to a camp with another class, and so the present night they were packing their things.

"The more that I think about it...are you aware of how many people you've attracted?" Hyo asked who was currently eating a cake Reo baked for the 4 of them.

Isagi looked up from his suitcase and looked at Hyo tilting his head slightly, Reo and Nagi were currently in the kitchen with Chigiri, they were at Reo and Hyo's dorm.

"What do you mean?" Isagi asked.

Hyo sighed and looked at Isagi.

"I mean, you do realize that you've been receiving love letters again, no?" Hyo said as he then took another spoon full of cake.

"Yep." Isagi nodded as he then yawned.

Hyo nodded and stayed quiet for a moment before closing his suitcase and finished off his cake before looking back over at Isagi.

"Do you know the class were going to camp with?" Hyo asked.

"No idea, all I know is that were competing against them." Isagi shrugged as he stood up from the bed.

"How early do we have to wake up tomorrow?" Hyo whined, he knew they had to wake up early, just didn't know what time.

"5am, we leave at 6 and should arrive at 8." Chigiri responded who had just walked into the room, making Hyo almost drop the plate he was holding.

"Thanks.." Hyo said as he looked at Chigiri who nodded.

Isagi and Hyo went out to the opened living room connected to the kitchen so they would all be able to speak.

"Do any of you guys know the class were going against?" Hyo spoke up first.

"Uhh..." Reo mumbled as he pulled his phone out to check.

"Class A-2?" Reo replied, he sounded unsure.

"Oh...so a top class." Hyo awkwardly chuckled.

"We should be fine though, I don't know why we were picked to come along as extras though." Reo hummed.

"I'm pretty sure it's because 3 of the girls in our class can't make it." Chigiri explained.

"They didn't wanna make it unfair i suppose." Isagi shrugged.

"What a hassle." Nagi complained as he rested his head in his arms.

"Seems like fun i guess." Hyo shrugged.

"Now...where are Nagi and Isagi sleeping?" Hyo asked.

"I'll sleep on the couch." Isagi said.

"Oh, I'll use a mattress then." Nagi said.

"Wha- are you guys sure? I don't mind sleeping on the couch instead." Hyo said.

"It's alright, I don't mind." Isagi said, Nagi nodded his head in agreement with Isagi.

"Alright then.." Hyo nodded.

They 5 of them all sat in the living talking, each of them growing tired till it was just Nagi and Isagi awake in the living room on their devices. They were sighing in comfortable silence at the moment.

"Isagi." Nagi randomly spoke out.

"Hm?" Isagi responded.

"Do we really have to wake up at 5am..." Nagi mumbled sighing, not liking the idea of waking up so early.

"I guess so, if we don't want to be late that is." Isagi hummed.

"What a hassle..." Nagi whined and rolled over on the mattress looking up at Isagi who laid on the couch.

Nagi wondered to himself for a moment before reaching out and pulling Isagi down to the mattress scaring Isagi while he was at it.

"Nagi?" Isagi asked confused.

"I like your warmth." Nagi mumbled as he wrapped his arms around Isagi.

"Alright then.." Isagi nodded as they stayed in that position watching videos together till falling asleep.







A/n: filler chapter for the next...😭

Again sorry for my absence 😞...

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